Solved – Can a repeated measures-design be non-temporal in nature

anovarepeated measures

Whenever I read about repeated measures or within-subjects design in different books and on webpages, the example that always is brought up is some kind of longitudinal or repeated measures design (e.g. people are measured on the same scale several times during the day). For my experiment, I have showed people a number of different pictures in random order, and then grouped these pictures into different categories. Is this an example of a repeated measures or within-subjects design, that is, can I use a repeated measures (within-subjects) ANOVA on my data (given that it satisfies all the basic assumptions)?

Best Answer

Traditionally, yes, your design can be treated as a repeated-measures design where you treat person as a unit of repeated observation and you treat the pictures in each category as homogenous replications of one another, collapsing them to a mean and treating category as a within-Ss variable.

However, as Peter Flom notes, it's possible (likely?) that the intra-category variability in your pictures is worth accounting for, in which case you will want to move to a mixed effects modelling context where you will treat category as a fixed effect and both person and category token as crossed random effects. See Baayen et al 2008 for explanation.

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