Solved – Can a dichotomous variable (yes/no) be merged with a Likert measure (1,2,3,4) using z scores


I would like to create a composite scale using items that measure parent communication extracted from a UK panel survey (n=941). However although all 6 variables in question measure similar constructs – 2 of the items are dichotomous (yes/no) the other 4 are likert (1,2,3,4). My intention is to transform the 6 variables to z scores and then sum them to form the composite score which will be used in a path analysis. I need to know if it is correct to do this, i.e., merge dichotomous variable (yes/No) and Likert scale (1,2,3,4) after they have been standardized to z scores.

Pending this being ok, would it be necessary to do an exploratory factor analysis to ensure the the composite scale measures one underlying construct or it is enough to do a reliability analysis?

This analysis is forming part of my PhD so I need to defend what I am doing and I would appreciate any guidance anyone can give me.

Best Answer

I'm not sure about the first part of your question. But regarding the second bit: a reliability analysis of itself does not tell you if you have one underlying construct or several. You can have a high cronbach-alpha (for reliability) in the presence of two or more factors. Definitely, do the factor analysis as well as reliability. You might also want to check out the latent variable and item response literature. Some of these models are set up to handle dichotomous and polytomous outcomes - which might deal with the z-score problem as well.

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