Solved – Calculating Standard Deviation when given sample size, mean difference & p value

p-valueself-studystandard deviationt-test

I am trying to pool data in my meta-analysis and i need MEAN & SD. However the study has reported sample size (27), before (11.8) & after mean (11.9), and p value (0.540).
I need the SD.

Thanks for your help.

Best Answer

With before-after data, I presume this is a paired design, and that consequently the test actually being performed is a two-tailed paired t-test. You should clarify to be sure.

If you really only have the means to 3 figures, then 11.8 could represent anything between 11.75+ and 11.85-, while 11.9 could represent anything between 11.85+ and 11.95-.

As such the true difference in means is actually anything between about 0 and 0.2, but more likely to be near 0.1 than the end-values.

Let's take the actual difference in sample means to be $d$.

Then a one-sample t-test statistic would be $\frac{d}{s_d/\sqrt{n}}$, and I presume you're after the standard deviation of the differences, $s_d$.

With 26 d.f., the (absolute value of) a two-tailed t-value that gives a p-value of 0.540 will be 0.621. So we have:

$s_d=d\sqrt{27}/0.621 = 8.37 d$

Now if $d$ was actually 0.1, that would imply $s_d$ is 0.837, but with the information given in the question it might be anything between 0 and 1.674.

If you're able to get $d$ more accurately than this, you can get $s_d$ to similar percentage accuracy.

Even a tiny bit of information - for example, knowing that the original observations must be integer - could help narrow it down (in that case, it would imply that the difference in means would be restricted to lie between 0.037 and 0.148).

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