Solved – Calculating Cronbach’s alpha: Same scale, multiple instances


I'm working on data analysis for my dissertation, and I'm banging my head against the wall when it comes to Cronbach's alpha.

I just completed a pretest; after data cleaning, I have 119 valid and complete responses. These 119 participants answered the same six-item Likert-type scale for nine different scenarios.

However, I am not sure at all how to calculate Cronbach's alpha in this case. Do I calculate alpha for each of the nine scenarios then average them together? Or should I have SPSS calculate new variables, with each of the nine instances of the six items compiled together, and then calculating Cronbach's alpha from that?

…or is there a better calculation altogether?

Best Answer

It seems that your intention is to measure 'perception of privacy' under each specific physical environment separately. In that case, your use of Cronbach's alpha would be to measure the internal consistency of items used to measure the 'perception of privacy' of your respondents in each environment. Hence calculate alpha for each physical environment and report your findings separately for each environment. You cannot average the alphas obtained from each scenario because that average doesn't make sense. It is also not possible to sum the ratings for all items across all possible environments to come up with a 'global perception of privacy' score because basically the scale you used is a unidimensional scale applied under different circumstances.

Also look at this post on CV.