Solved – Calculating confidence intervals of marginal means in linear mixed models

effectsglmmlme4-nlmemixed modelr

I'm using different R packages (effects, ggeffects, emmeans, lmer) to calculate confidence intervals of marginal means in a linear mixed model. My problem is that the effects package produces smaller CIs compared to other methods. Here is an example:


ham$Age_scale <- scale(ham$Age)

# fit model without the intercept
fit <- lmer(Informed.liking ~ -1 + Product + Age_scale +
   (1|Consumer/Product), data=ham) 

Model summary:

Random effects:
 Groups           Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 Product:Consumer (Intercept) 3.1464   1.7738  
 Consumer         (Intercept) 0.3908   0.6252  
 Residual                     1.6991   1.3035  
Number of obs: 648, groups:  Product:Consumer, 324; Consumer, 81

Fixed effects:
           Estimate Std. Error        df t value Pr(>|t|)    
Product1  5.809e+00  2.327e-01 3.110e+02  24.960   <2e-16 ***
Product2  5.105e+00  2.327e-01 3.110e+02  21.936   <2e-16 ***
Product3  6.093e+00  2.327e-01 3.110e+02  26.180   <2e-16 ***
Product4  5.926e+00  2.327e-01 3.110e+02  25.464   <2e-16 ***
Age_scale 9.621e-03  1.311e-01 7.900e+01   0.073    0.942    

Then, I used different methods to calculate the CIs for the marginal means for Product:

term = 'Product'

## ggpredict
c0 <-, terms = term))
c0 <- c0[,4:5]

## confint.merMod
c1 <- confint(fit, method='profile')
c1 <- c1[4:7,]

## confint.merMod
c2 <- confint(fit,method='Wald')
c2 <- c2[4:7,]

## confint.merMod
c3 <- confint(fit,method='boot')
c3 <- c3[4:7,]

## effect
c4 <- with(effect(term,fit),cbind(lower,upper))

## emmeans,'kenward-roger'
c5 <- with(summary(emmeans(fit,spec=term)),cbind(lower.CL,upper.CL))

I put all the CIs together:

tmpf <- function(method,val) {

allCI <- rbind(tmpf("ggpredict",c0),

    geom_linerange(position=position_dodge(width=0.8),size=1) + theme_bw()

Confidence Intervals for Marginal Means

The confidence intervals produced by the effects package are substantially smaller than others. I noticed someone asked a similar question before, but its answers showed that CIs produced byeffects are very similar to others. I wonder what's going on here. Did I miss something?

UPDATE: @Daniel ran the exact same code and found no deviation for the effects package. ggeffect() and ggemmeans() from version 0.8.0 of the ggeffects package also produced very similar CIs.

However, I still got smaller CIs for effects (version 4.0.1) and ggeffects (version 0.7.0), at .95 confidence level.

## effect
eff = effect(term,fit)
c4 <- with(eff,cbind(lower,upper))

## emmeans,'kenward-roger'
c5 <- with(summary(emmeans(fit,spec=term)),cbind(lower.CL,upper.CL))

## ggeffect
c6 <- ggeffect(fit, terms = term)
c6 <- c6[,4:5]


enter image description here

After upgrading to the latest versions, however, all methods produced similar CIs.


## effect
eff = effect(term,fit)
c4 <- with(eff,cbind(lower,upper))

## emmeans,'kenward-roger'
c5 <- with(summary(emmeans(fit,spec=term)),cbind(lower.CL,upper.CL))

## ggeffect
c6 <- ggeffect(fit, terms = term)
c6 <- c6[,4:5]

## ggemmeans (only the 0.8.0 version supports this)
c7 <- ggemmeans(fit, terms = term)
c7 <- c7[,4:5]

enter image description here

Best Answer

I have just checked your example (using the just released version 0.8.0 of ggeffects), however, instead of using effect() or emmeans() directly, I use the functions from ggeffects, which actually wrap around these functions (ggeffect() and ggemmeans()).

## effect
c4 <- ggeffect(fit, terms = term)
c4 <- c4[,4:5]

## emmeans,'kenward-roger'
c5 <- ggemmeans(fit, terms = term)
c5 <- c5[,4:5]

Here, the CI's are similar.

enter image description here

Also, after exactly running your examples, the plot is identical, with no deviation for effects.

## effect
c4 <- with(effect(term,fit),cbind(lower,upper))

## emmeans,'kenward-roger'
c5 <- with(summary(emmeans(fit,spec=term)),cbind(lower.CL,upper.CL))

enter image description here

Have you set some options for the effects-package that might change the ci-level?

It seems to me that all these methods produce confidence intervals, not prediction intervals. If you use type = "re" in ggpredict(), the intervals are much larger (except for this model, because the variance in the random effects is almost zero).