Solved – Calculate frequency of 1D time series using autoregressive model parameters

autoregressivetime series

I'm modeling some periodic data with a second-order autoregressive model, as follows:

x_3 = a_{1}x_1 + a_{2}x_2
x_4 = a_{1}x_2 + a_{2}x_3

x_n = a_{1}x_{n-2} + a_{2}x_{n-1}

I'm modeling the raw data here (imagine $x_i$ as a scalar pixel value, say, for $n$ time points) so I'm not worried about error terms, at least not yet. I can set this up as a system of equations and solve for the parameters $a_1$ and $a_2$.

Is there any way to determine the frequency of this 1D datasets using the calculated AR parameters, since the system intrinsically models harmonic oscillators? I'm actually trying to avoid using fourier transforms, if possible.


Best Answer

If the data are truly periodic, don't use an AR(2). An AR(2) is suitable for cyclic but aperiodic data.

When $a_2^2+4a_1<0$, the average period of the cycles is $$ \frac{2\pi}{\text{arc cos}\left(-a_2(1-a_1)/(4a_1)\right)}. $$

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