Solved – Calculate binomial deviance (binomial log-likelihood) in the test dataset

log-losslogarithmmachine learningprobabilityrandom forest

I'm predicting probabilities $\mathbb{P}(Y=1)$ using a probability forest (ranger in R). I want to evaluate my predictions $\hat p_i$ in a test dataset by calculating average binomial deviance (log-likelihood). I believe the formula is:
\text{mean deviance} = \sum_{i\in \text{testset}} -2\big[Y_i\ln \hat p_i + (1-Y_i)\ln(1- \hat p_i)\big]

How do I deal with the fact that I have forest predictions that are excactly 0 or 1? For these observations, deviance is not defined due to the logarithm. Should I just omit them? Or should I set these values to, say, 0.00001 and 0.99999 respectively?

Best Answer

I recommend against fudging these prediction values. The appropriate outcome here is that if the model predicts a thing with probability 1, and that thing doesn't happen, then its deviance is infinite. Similarly, if the model predicts a thing with probability 0, and that thing happens, then its deviance is infinite. That is the price you pay for making such strong predictions on an outcome and getting them wrong.

To achieve this as the outcome, you just have to deal with the ambiguity in terms of the form $0 \times -\infty$. Here you would adopt the convention that $\ln 0 = \infty$ and $0 \times -\infty = 0$, giving you:

$$\begin{align} Y_i \ln \hat{p}_i &= \begin{cases} 0 & & & & & \ \text{if } Y_i = 0, \\[6pt] \ln \hat{p}_i & & & & & \ \text{if } Y_i = 1. \\[6pt] \end{cases} \\[18pt] (1-Y_i) \ln (1-\hat{p}_i) &= \begin{cases} \ln (1-\hat{p}_i) & & & \text{if } Y_i = 0, \\[6pt] 0 & & & \text{if } Y_i = 1. \\[6pt] \end{cases} \end{align}$$

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