Solved – Bottom to top explanation of the Mahalanobis distance

distanceintuitionmathematical-statisticsnormal distributionpattern recognition

I'm studying pattern recognition and statistics and almost every book I open on the subject I bump into the concept of Mahalanobis distance. The books give sort of intuitive explanations, but still not good enough ones for me to actually really understand what is going on. If someone would ask me "What is the Mahalanobis distance?" I could only answer: "It's this nice thing, which measures distance of some kind" 🙂

The definitions usually also contain eigenvectors and eigenvalues, which I have a little trouble connecting to the Mahalanobis distance. I understand the definition of eigenvectors and eigenvalues, but how are they related to the Mahalanobis distance? Does it have something to do with changing the base in Linear Algebra etc.?

I have also read these former questions on the subject:

I have also read this explanation.

The answers are good and pictures nice, but still I don't really get it…I have an idea but it's still in the dark. Can someone give a "How would you explain it to your grandma"-explanation so that I could finally wrap this up and never again wonder what the heck is a Mahalanobis distance? 🙂 Where does it come from, what, why?


Here is something which helps understanding the Mahalanobis formula:

Best Answer

Here is a scatterplot of some multivariate data (in two dimensions):

enter image description here

What can we make of it when the axes are left out?

enter image description here

Introduce coordinates that are suggested by the data themselves.

The origin will be at the centroid of the points (the point of their averages). The first coordinate axis (blue in the next figure) will extend along the "spine" of the points, which (by definition) is any direction in which the variance is the greatest. The second coordinate axis (red in the figure) will extend perpendicularly to the first one. (In more than two dimensions, it will be chosen in that perpendicular direction in which the variance is as large as possible, and so on.)

enter image description here

We need a scale. The standard deviation along each axis will do nicely to establish the units along the axes. Remember the 68-95-99.7 rule: about two-thirds (68%) of the points should be within one unit of the origin (along the axis); about 95% should be within two units. That makes it easy to eyeball the correct units. For reference, this figure includes the unit circle in these units:

enter image description here

That doesn't really look like a circle, does it? That's because this picture is distorted (as evidenced by the different spacings among the numbers on the two axes). Let's redraw it with the axes in their proper orientations--left to right and bottom to top--and with a unit aspect ratio so that one unit horizontally really does equal one unit vertically:

enter image description here

You measure the Mahalanobis distance in this picture rather than in the original.

What happened here? We let the data tell us how to construct a coordinate system for making measurements in the scatterplot. That's all it is. Although we had a few choices to make along the way (we could always reverse either or both axes; and in rare situations the directions along the "spines"--the principal directions--are not unique), they do not change the distances in the final plot.

Technical comments

(Not for grandma, who probably started to lose interest as soon as numbers reappeared on the plots, but to address the remaining questions that were posed.)

  • Unit vectors along the new axes are the eigenvectors (of either the covariance matrix or its inverse).

  • We noted that undistorting the ellipse to make a circle divides the distance along each eigenvector by the standard deviation: the square root of the covariance. Letting $C$ stand for the covariance function, the new (Mahalanobis) distance between two points $x$ and $y$ is the distance from $x$ to $y$ divided by the square root of $C(x-y, x-y)$. The corresponding algebraic operations, thinking now of $C$ in terms of its representation as a matrix and $x$ and $y$ in terms of their representations as vectors, are written $\sqrt{(x-y)'C^{-1}(x-y)}$. This works regardless of what basis is used to represent vectors and matrices. In particular, this is the correct formula for the Mahalanobis distance in the original coordinates.

  • The amounts by which the axes are expanded in the last step are the (square roots of the) eigenvalues of the inverse covariance matrix. Equivalently, the axes are shrunk by the (roots of the) eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. Thus, the more the scatter, the more the shrinking needed to convert that ellipse into a circle.

  • Although this procedure always works with any dataset, it looks this nice (the classical football-shaped cloud) for data that are approximately multivariate Normal. In other cases, the point of averages might not be a good representation of the center of the data or the "spines" (general trends in the data) will not be identified accurately using variance as a measure of spread.

  • The shifting of the coordinate origin, rotation, and expansion of the axes collectively form an affine transformation. Apart from that initial shift, this is a change of basis from the original one (using unit vectors pointing in the positive coordinate directions) to the new one (using a choice of unit eigenvectors).

  • There is a strong connection with Principal Components Analysis (PCA). That alone goes a long way towards explaining the "where does it come from" and "why" questions--if you weren't already convinced by the elegance and utility of letting the data determine the coordinates you use to describe them and measure their differences.

  • For multivariate Normal distributions (where we can carry out the same construction using properties of the probability density instead of the analogous properties of the point cloud), the Mahalanobis distance (to the new origin) appears in place of the "$x$" in the expression $\exp(-\frac{1}{2} x^2)$ that characterizes the probability density of the standard Normal distribution. Thus, in the new coordinates, a multivariate Normal distribution looks standard Normal when projected onto any line through the origin. In particular, it is standard Normal in each of the new coordinates. From this point of view, the only substantial sense in which multivariate Normal distributions differ among one another is in terms of how many dimensions they use. (Note that this number of dimensions may be, and sometimes is, less than the nominal number of dimensions.)