Solved – Blackwell’s bet


I have read about Blackwell's bet paradox on Futility closet. Here is the summary: you are presented with two envelopes, $E_x$ and $E_y$. The envelopes contain a random amount of money, but you don't know anything about the distribution about the money. You open one, check how much money is in there ($x$), and have to choose: take the envelope $E_x$ or $E_y$?

Futility Closet refers to a mathematician called Leonard Wapner: “Unexpectedly, there is something you can do, short of opening the other envelope, to give yourself a better than even chance of getting it right.”

The idea, which seems wrong to me, is as follows: choose a random number $d$. If $d < x$, take $E_x$. If $d > x$, choose $E_y$.

Wapner: “If d falls between x and y then your prediction (as indicated
by d) is guaranteed to be correct. Assume this occurs with probability
p. If d falls less than both x and y, then your prediction will be
correct only in the event your chosen number x is the larger of the
two. There is a 50 percent chance of this. Similarly, if d is greater
than both numbers, your prediction will be correct only if your chosen
number is the smaller of the two. This occurs with a 50 percent
probability as well.”

If the probability that $d$ is in $[x,y]$ is greater than zero, then the average success of this method is $\frac{1}{2} + \frac{p}{2}$. This would mean that by observing an unrelated random variable gives us additional information.

I think that this is all wrong, and that the problem lies in choosing a random -integer- number. What does it mean? Like, any integer? In that case, the probability $p$ that $d$ lies between $x$ and $y$ is zero, because both $x$ and $y$ are finite.

If we say that there is a limit on the maximal amount of money, say $M$, or at least we choose d from $1…M$, then the recipe boils down to the trivial advice of choosing $E_y$ if $x < M/2$ and choosing $E_x$ if $x > M/2$.

Do I miss something here?


OK, now I begin to see where the apparent paradox comes from. It seemed to me impossible that an unrelated random variable can provide additional information.

However, note that we need to consciously choose a distribution of d. For example, choose the boundaries for a uniform distribution, or $\lambda$ of the Poissionian distribution etc. Clearly, if we are playing for peanuts, and we chose the distribution of d to be uniform on $[10^9, 2\cdot 10^9]$ dollars, $P(d \in (x,y)) = 0$. This last probability will depend first and foremost on our judgement of what can be in the envelopes.

In other words, if the technique works, then the assumption that we do not know what is the distribution of the money in the envelopes (how the amount of money for the envelopes was chosen) is violated. However, if we truly don't know what is in the envelopes, then in the worst case scenario, we don't loose anything by applying it.


Another thought. Given $x$, let us choose, for drawing $d$, a continuous non-negative distribution such that $P(d < x) = P(d > x)$. We are allowed to do that, am I correct? We proceed as instructed – if $d < x$, we keep the envelope, if $d > x$, we change the envelope. The reasoning does not change, depending how we choose the distribution it can be that $P(d \in [x, y]) > 0$ (or am I mistaken?).

However, given how we chose the distribution, what we now do is equivalent to a coin toss. We toss a coin, and if it is heads, we change envelopes, if it is tails, we stick to the envelope we hold. Where am I wrong?


OK, I get it now. If we base the probability function of $d$ on $x$ (e.g., we sample $d$ from an uniform distribution in range $(1, 2 \cdot x)$, then probability $P(d \in (x,y))$ is not independent of $P(\text{correct decision}|d \notin (x,y))$.

So, if $d \in (x,y)$ (with probability $p$), the guess is always correct, as before. If $x$ is the lower number, however, and $d \notin (x,y)$, than $d$ has a higher chance to be lower than $x$ than being higher than $x$, so we are biased towards an incorrect decision. Same reasoning applies when $x$ is the higher of the two numbers.

That means that we have to choose the process of drawing $d$ independently of $x$. In other words, we need to make a guess about parameters of distribution from which $x$ and $y$ are drawn; worst that happens is that we still guess randomly, but best what happens is that our guess was correct — and then we have an advantage. How this should be better than guessing "x and y will, I think, be at least 1\$, but at most 10\$, so if $x > 5$, we keep it, and if not, we exchange it" I am yet to see.

I was mislead by the pop-sci formulation of the problem in Wapner's book (Unexpected Expectations: The Curiosities of a Mathematical Crystal Ball), which states

"By any means whatsoever, select a random positive integer" (Wapner
suggests a geometric distribution — tossing coins until the first
heads come up, repeating the process if $d=x$) "If $d > x$ guess
higher and if $d < x$ guess lower. (…) You will guess correctly more
than 50 percent of the time because $d$ points correctly more than 50
percent of the time!"

Best Answer

This is more widely known as the two-envelope problem. Most commonly the amounts are given as $A$ and $2A$ but it's not required that this be the case.

Some points:

  1. You cannot choose a random integer uniformly*, but the quoted part doesn't seem to require it be uniform. Choose a distribution - it doesn't matter what it is for the argument - as long as it has some probability of exceeding any finite value.

  2. It wouldn't make sense to choose $d$ integer with the quoted decision rule, because money is discrete which means there's a nonzero chance $d=x$ and there's nothing listed for that case. (Or alternatively, to modify the rule to specify what to do when they're equal)

  3. Leaving that aside, you could choose $d$ from some non-negative continuous distribution -- then we don't have to worry about equality.

* (nor can you choose a uniformly random non-negative integer nor a uniformly random positive integer)

If we say that there is a limit on the maximal amount of money, say $M$, or at least we choose $d$ from $1...M$, then the recipe boils down to the trivial advice of choosing $E_y$ if $x<M/2$ and choosing $E_x$ if $x>M/2$

If it turns out that the random distribution from which $x$ is chosen encompasses $M/2$ this should work (give you better than 50-50); if the distribution is stuck in one half it would not.

However, the versions of this game I was first presented with is that the envelope is presented by someone who (possibly) seeks to minimize your income from the game. The strategy of using a distribution to decide whether to switch to the other envelope will still work in that instance.