Solved – Bivariate probit versus 2SLS, contradictory results (sign)


I am currently facing puzzle and I hope some of you will be able to provide me some insights. I have this model: y: binary variable, x1: binary variable (endogenous), z: binary instrument, x2: controls, i.year: dummies for each year, i.region: dummies for each region with in total about 4,000 observations

I first run my 2SLS and I obtained that the effect of x1(instrumented by z) on y is positive.

But my problem is when I turn to a bivariate probit, using the following stata code:

biprobit (y=x1 x2 i.year i.region) (x1= z x2 i.year i.region), cluster(region)
margins, dydx(x) predict(pmarg1) force

Now I obtain a negative effect, even though from what I've seen I shoud at least get the same sign in the biprobit and the 2SLS.

Does anyone has any idea for what reason I have this problem, or have some suggestion as to what I should do?

Best Answer

It's probably the controls.

If you omit the controls, the marginal effects from the bivariate probit regression should be quite similar to the 2SLS estimates. See page 203 of Mostly Harmless Econometrics for an example.