Solved – Bivariate normal distribution and its distribution function as correlation coefficient $\rightarrow \pm 1$

joint distributionmathematical-statisticsmultivariate analysisnormal distribution

I am not sure what happens to a bivariate normal distribution when $|\rho| \rightarrow 1$. Is the distribution well defined then? Moreover, when
$$ \Phi \left(\frac{x_1}{\sigma_1}, \frac{x_2}{\sigma_2}, \rho \right) = 1 \text{ or } 0?$$
Namely, is it true that if $\Bigl \lvert \frac{x_1}{\sigma_1} \Bigr \lvert \leq M$ and $\Bigl \lvert \frac{x_2}{\sigma_2} \Bigr \lvert \leq L$, where $M, L < \infty$, then
$$ \Phi \left(\frac{x_1}{\sigma_1}, \frac{x_2}{\sigma_2}, \rho \right) \neq 1 \text{ and } 0? $$ Can it be stated without any restrictions on $\rho$? If you know any reference, where it is explained well, I would be very grateful.

Best Answer

Yes, it's well-defined. For convenience and ease of exposition I'm changing your notation to use two standard normal distributed random variables $X$ and $Y$ in place of your $X1$ and $X2$. I.e., $X = (X1 - \mu_1)/\sigma_1$ and $Y = (X2 - \mu_2)/\sigma_2$. To standardize you subtract the mean and then divide by the standard deviation (in your post you only did the latter).

When $\rho=1$, the variables are perfectly correlated (which in the case of a normal distribution means perfectly dependent), so $X=Y$. And when $\rho=-1$, $X=-Y$.

The cumulative distribution function $\Phi(x,y,\rho)$ is defined to be the probability $\rm{Pr}(X\le x \cap Y\le y)$ given the correlation $\rm{Corr}(X,Y)=\rho$. I.e., $X$ has to be $\le x\,$ AND $\;Y$ has to be $\le y$.

So in the case $\rho=1$, $$\begin{eqnarray*} \Phi(x,y) &=& \rm{Pr}(X\le x \cap Y\le y) \\ &=& \rm{Pr}(X\le x \cap X\le y) \\ &=& \rm{Pr}(X\le \rm{min}(x,y)) \\ &=& \Phi_X(\rm{min}(x,y)) \\ &=& \Phi_Y(\rm{min}(x,y)). \\ \end{eqnarray*}$$

Here, $0 < \Phi(x,y) < 1$, so long as $|x|, |y| < \infty$.

The case $\rho=-1$ is much more interesting (and I'm not 100% sure I've got this right so would welcome corrections):

$$\begin{eqnarray*} \Phi(x,y) &=& \rm{Pr}(X\le x \cap Y\le y) \\ &=& \rm{Pr}(X\le x \cap -X\le y) \\ &=& \rm{Pr}(X\le x \cap X \ge -y) \\ &=& \rm{Pr}(-y \le X \le x) \\ &=& \Phi_X(x) - \Phi_X(-y) \;\;\;\mbox{(*)}\\ &=& \Phi_X(x) - (1 - \Phi_X(y)) \\ &=& \Phi_X(x) + \Phi_X(y) -1. \end{eqnarray*}$$

Note that the step marked * assumes $-y < x$, or equivalently, $y > -x$. If this doesn't hold, then $\Phi = 0$.

Here, $0 \le \Phi(x,y) < 1$, so long as $|x|, |y| < \infty$. Compared to the case of $\rho=1$, it is now possible to get $\Phi(x,y) = 0$ with finite values of $x$ and $y$. E.g. if $x=1$ and $y=-2$, it's impossible to get both $X\le x$ and $X\ge y$ ($X\le 1$ and $X\ge 2$).

To get some intuition for how the cumulative distribution functions look, I've plotted 3d plots and contour plots for the two cases below.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

R code for these plots

grid = expand.grid(x=seq(-3,3,0.05), y=seq(-3,3,0.05))
grid$phi1 = with(grid, pnorm(pmin(x,y)))
grid$phi2 = with(grid, ifelse(-y<x,pnorm(x) + pnorm(y) -1,0))

wireframe(data=grid, phi1 ~ x*y, shade=TRUE, main="X=Y", scales=list(arrows=FALSE))
contourplot(data=grid, phi1 ~ x*y, main="X=Y")
wireframe(data=grid, phi2 ~ x*y, shade=TRUE, main="X=-Y", scales=list(arrows=FALSE))
contourplot(data=grid, phi2 ~ x*y, main="X=-Y", cuts=10)

There are plenty of web pages which cover the bivariate standard normal distribution. Which one you find best is going to be dependent on you. I had a quick search and rather liked the following:, as it has some nice diagrams on p8 of what happens as $\rho \rightarrow \pm 1$. In the case of $\rho = \pm 1$, plotting $X$ against $Y$ will give you a straight line through the origin, either $y=\pm x$. If you plot this yourself, you should get a good intuition as to why $\rm{min}$ occurs in the formula for $\rho =1$.