Solved – Binomial Random Variable Multiplied by a constant

binomial distributionrandom variable

I have a Binomial(n,p) random variable that is multiplied by a constant, specifically 1/n. I know for some random variables multiplying by a constant doesn't change the distribution, i.e. the Normal, but for others it does, i.e. the Poisson. I can't find anything about the Binomial when it is multiplied by a constant. I know the expected value and variance but what I'm really interested in is whether this is a valid (i.e. not improper) random variable for all constants or just for some. I would appreciate any guidance.

Best Answer

It's a valid random variate for all constants, even zero (for which the probability of observing zero equals 1.) It's just a Binomial random variate multiplied by a constant; that doesn't change the fact that the probabilities are all nonnegative and sum to one.

Let us denote the constant by $c$ and the random variate itself by $x$. The original, binomial, random variate is multiplied by $c$ to get $x$. The probability distribution of $x$ is:

$$p(x;n,p,c) ={n \choose x/c}p^{x/c}(1-p)^{n-x/c}$$

except for $c=0$ of course. This works because $x/c$ transforms $x$ back to the original Binomial variate, which, in the case of discrete random variables, is all you need.

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