Solved – Binary time series

binary datatime series

I have a binary time series: We have 2160 data (0=didn't happen, 1=happened) for one-hour period in 90 days.

enter image description here

I want to forecast after these 90 days, where the next 1 will happen, and also Extend this provision for next one month.

Best Answer

One approach might be to assume that the Bernoulli sequence can be described by a latent Normal random variable using the Probit transformation. That is your realized $X_t \sim Bernoulli(p_t)$ where $p_t \sim \Phi^{-1}(Y_t)$ and $Y \sim N(\mu, \Sigma)$. This way you can place whatever time-series (e.g. ARIMA) structure you like on your $Y$ variable and then use standard time-series techniques to predict future observations (e.g. Holt-Winters). Should be possible to code something like this up in Stan or JAGS, but you might not get great predictions given the "glass darkly" view the Bernoulli process gives you of the latent state.

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