Estimation – Bias of Moment Estimator in Lognormal Distribution

biasestimationlognormal distributionmoments

I am doing some numerical experiment that consists in sampling a lognormal distribution $X\sim\mathcal{LN}(\mu, \sigma)$, and trying to estimate the moments $\mathbb{E}[X^n]$ by two methods:

  1. Looking at the sample mean of the $X^n$
  2. Estimating $\mu$ and $\sigma^2$ by using the sample means for $\log(X), \log^2(X)$, and then using the fact that for a lognormal distribution, we have $\mathbb{E}[X^n]=\exp(n \mu + (n \sigma)^2/2)$.

The question is:

I find experimentally that the second method performs much better then the first one, when I keep the number of samples fixed, and increase $\mu, \sigma^2$ by some factor T. Is there some simple explanation for this fact?

I'm attaching a figure in which the x-axis is T, while the y axis are the values of $\mathbb{E}[X^2]$ comparing the true values of $\mathbb{E}[X^2] = \exp(2 \mu + 2 \sigma^2)$ (orange line), to the estimated values. method 1 – blue dots, method 2 – green dots. y-axis is in log scale

True and estimated values for $\mathbb{E}[X^2]$. Blue dots are sample means for $\mathbb{E}[X^2]$ (method 1), while the green dots are the estimated values using method 2. The orange line is calculated from the known $\mu$, $\sigma$ by the same equation as in method 2. y axis is in log scale


Below is a minimal Mathematica code to produce the results for one T, with the output:

(* Define variables *)
n=2; numIterations = 10^4; sigma = 0.5; mu=0.1; totalTime = 200;
(* Create log normal data*)

(* the moment by theory:*)
rmomentTheory = Exp[(n*mu+(n*sigma)^2/2)*totalTime];

(*Calculate directly: *)
rmomentSample = Mean[data^n];

(*Calculate through estimated mu and sigma *)
muNumerical = Mean[Log[data]]; (*numerical \[Mu] (gaussian mean) *)
sigmaSqrNumerical = Mean[Log[data]^2]-(muNumerical)^2; (* numerical gaussian variance *)
rmomentFromMuSigma = Exp[ muNumerical*n + (n ^2sigmaSqrNumerical)/2];

Log@{rmomentTheory, rmomentSample,rmomentFromMuSigma}


(*Log of {analytic, sample mean of r^2, using mu and sigma} *)
{140., 91.8953, 137.519}

above, the second result is the sample mean of $r^2$, which is below the two other results

Best Answer

There is something puzzling in those results since

  1. the first method provides an unbiased estimator of $\mathbb{E}[X^2]$, namely$$\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N X_i^2$$has $\mathbb{E}[X^2]$ as its mean. Hence the blue dots should be around the expected value (orange curve);
  2. the second method provides a biased estimator of $\mathbb{E}[X^2]$, namely$$\mathbb{E}[\exp(n \hat\mu + n^2 \hat{\sigma}^2/2)]>\exp(n \mu + (n \sigma)^2/2)$$when $\hat\mu$ and $\hat\sigma²$ are unbiased estimators of $\mu$ and $\sigma²$ respectively, and it is thus strange that the green dots are aligned with the orange curve.

but they are due to the problem and not to the numerical computations: I repeated the experiment in R and got the following picture with the same colour code and the same sequence of $\mu_T$'s and $\sigma_T$'s, which represents each estimator divided by the true expectation:

Two empirical second moments, based on 10⁶ log-normal simulations

Here is the corresponding R code:

for (t in 1:200){

plot(moy1/tru,col="blue",ylab="relative mean",xlab="T",cex=.4,pch=19)

Hence there is indeed a collapse of the second empirical moment as $\mu$ and $\sigma$ increase that I would attribute to the enormous increase in the variance of the said second empirical moment as $\mu$ and $\sigma$ increase.

My explanation of this curious phenomenon is that, while $\mathbb{E}[X^2]$ obviously is the mean of $X^2$, it is not a central value: actually the median of $X^2$ is equal to $e^{2\mu}$. When representing the random variable $X^2$ as $\exp\{2\mu+2\sigma\epsilon\}$ where $\epsilon\sim\mathcal{N}(0,1)$, it is clear that, when $\sigma$ is large enough, the random variable $\sigma\epsilon$ is almost never of the magnitude of $\sigma^2$. In other words if $X$ is $\mathcal{LN}(\mu,\sigma)$ $$\begin{align*}\mathbb{P}(X^2>\mathbb{E}[X^2])&=\mathbb{P}(\log\{X^2\}>2\mu+2\sigma^2)\\&=\mathbb{P}(\mu+\sigma\epsilon>\mu+\sigma^2)\\&=\mathbb{P}(\epsilon>\sigma)\\ &=1-\Phi(\sigma)\end{align*}$$ which can be arbitrarily small.