Solved – “Best” series of colors to use for differentiating series in publication-quality plots

data visualization

Has any study been done on what are the best set of colors to use for showing multiple series on the same plot? I've just been using the defaults in matplotlib, and they look a little childish since they're all bright, primary colors.

Best Answer

A common reference for choosing a color palette is the work of Cynthia Brewer on ColorBrewer. The colors were chosen based on perceptual patterns in choropleth maps, but most of the same advice applies to using color in any type of plot to distinguish data patterns. If color is solely to distinguish between the different lines, then a qualitative palette is in order.

Often color is not needed in line plots with only a few lines, and different point symbols and/or dash patterns are effective enough. A more common problem with line plots is that if the lines frequently overlap it will be difficult to distinguish different patterns no matter what symbols or color you use. Stephen Kosslyn recommends a general rule of thumb for only having 4 lines in a plot. If you have more consider splitting the lines into a series of small multiple plots. Here is an example showing the recommendation

No color needed and the labels are more than sufficient.