Solved – Best basis set for polynomial expansion

generalized linear modelpolynomialregressiontaylor series

I want to do a regression of x onto y:


Obviously a plain Taylor expansion as above is suboptimal since the coefficients will not be orthogonal/uncorrelated. Thus, I want to use an orthogonal polynomial basis expansion using a set like the Chebyshev/Legendre/Genegbauer/Hermite polynomials. Also, my problem has a finite domain (~[0,50])

My question is how would I go about choosing which basis set is ideal for my problem? What questions should I ask to differentiate between the basis sets?

Best Answer

It really depends on your needs.

However, with regression and other "linear-model" problems (such as GLMs), the standard choice is orthogonal polynomials with respect to the observed set of $x$ values (usually just called "orthogonal polynomials" in regression-type contexts). Many packages provide them (e.g. poly in R provides such a basis - you supply x and the desired degree).

That is, if $P$ is the resulting "x-matrix" (not counting the constant column) where the columns represent the linear, quadratic etc components, then $P^\top P=I$.

Like so:

> x=sort(rnorm(10,6,2))
> P=poly(x,4)
> round(crossprod(P),8)  # round to 8dp
  1 2 3 4
1 1 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 0
3 0 0 1 0
4 0 0 0 1

(This property extends to the constant column if you appropriately normalize it, but it's usually left as-is, so the diagonal of $X^\top X$ would then have a $1,1$ element of $n$ rather than $1$.)

For that particular set of x-values*, they look like this:

enter image description here

These have a number of distinct advantages over other choices (including that the parameter estimates are uncorrelated).

Some references that may be of some use to you:

Sabhash C. Narula (1979),
"Orthogonal Polynomial Regression,"
International Statistical Review, 47:1 (Apr.), pp. 31-36

Kennedy, W. J. Jr and Gentle, J. E. (1980),
Statistical Computing, Marcel Dekker.

* on the off chance anyone cares about the particular values in the example:

 [1]  4.326638  4.458292  4.459983  4.574794  5.312988  5.380251  7.425735
 [8]  8.601912  9.189405 10.864584