Solved – Bayesian Weighted Linear regression


I am currently reading the following paper which formulates the weighted linear regression in a Bayesian setting. In classic weighted LS, we minimise the following:

\sum_{i=1}^{N} w_i (\beta^Tx_i – y_i)

In this paper, they try and have a Bayesian formulation of the WLS. So, it makes the following modelling choices about the probability distributions of the random variables:

y_i \sim N(\beta^tx_i, \sigma^2/w_i)

So, here we are modelling each of the $y_i$ to have variance which can be weighted by their individual weight. There is a normal prior also over the regression parameters $\beta$.

\beta \sim N(\beta_0, \Sigma_{\beta, 0})

There is a Gamma prior over the weights $w_i$.

w_i \sim Gamma(a_i, b_i)

Now, my question is that the regression problem is basically:

y_i = \beta^T x_i + \epsilon_i

My question is why is there no prior on $\epsilon$? In this paper, they estimate $\sigma^2$ through some standard regression formula (Apologies as I have not gone far to derive it yet). However, to me it seems that $\sigma^2$ is also an unknown parameter in the model and if we follow Bayesian statistical modelling, we should specify a prior for it.

If anyone is curious, the paper is here:;jsessionid=4AAE4C2C2577844312D5EBBB60303F64?doi=

Best Answer

This is just a model assumption the author made. Unfortunately, there aren't standardized procedures to "follow Bayesian statistical modelling", so while you may specify a prior for variance, it isn't a requirement for a linear regression to be bayesian.

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