Solved – bayesian logistic regression with weakly informative priors (pymc3)


I am trying to implement the suggestion by Gelman et al. (2008) to use weakly informative priors for bayesian logistic regression.


I am trying to achieve this with pymc3, and I am unsure on how to handle the standardization Gelman proposes for binary input variables:


Standardizing the data is in my case simply data['score'] - data['score'].mean(), but how to deal with that in the model specification?

Here is some working example code, but without the standardization.

import scipy as sp
from scipy import stats
import pandas as pd
from patsy import dmatrix
import pymc3 as pm
import theano.tensor as Tht
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn.apionly as sns

# data generation
labels = list('ABCDE')
true_freqs = [0.9,0.8,0.5,0.8,0.4]
Neach = 20

data = []
for label,freq in zip(labels,true_freqs):
    d = sp.rand(Neach) < freq

data = pd.concat(data)
Nobs = data.shape[0]
data.index = range(Nobs)

# bayesian logistic regression with pymc3
nSamples = 2000
burn = 1000
nsim = nSamples - burn

model_matrix = dmatrix(' ~ label', data=data)
x0,x1,x2,x3,x4 = [sp.array(model_matrix[:,i]).astype('int64') for i in range(5)]

with pm.Model() as model:
    # betas
    beta0 = pm.Cauchy('beta0', 0., 10.0)
    beta1 = pm.Cauchy('beta1', 0., 2.5)
    beta2 = pm.Cauchy('beta2', 0., 2.5)
    beta3 = pm.Cauchy('beta3', 0., 2.5)
    beta4 = pm.Cauchy('beta4', 0., 2.5)

    # logit
    logit_p =  (beta0*x0 + beta1*x1 + beta2*x2 + beta3*x3 + beta4*x4)
    p = Tht.exp(logit_p) / (1 + Tht.exp(logit_p))

    # likelihood
    likelihood = pm.Binomial('likelihood',n=1,p=p,observed=data['score'])

    # inference
    start = pm.find_MAP()
    step = pm.NUTS(scaling=start)
    trace = pm.sample(nSamples, step, progressbar=True)

### inspect

# credible intervals from posterior
# get simulated betas
varnames = ['beta0','beta1','beta2','beta3','beta4']
betas_mc = sp.zeros((len(varnames),nsim))
for i,varname in enumerate(varnames):
    betas_mc[i,:] = trace.get_values(varname)[nSamples-burn:]
betas_mc = sp.matrix(betas_mc)

# calculate posteriors
ps_sim = sp.zeros((Nobs,nsim))
X = sp.matrix(model_matrix)

for i in range(nsim):
    ps = X * betas_mc[:,i]
    ps_sim[:,i] = stats.logistic.cdf(ps).flatten()

# plotting
fig, axes = plt.subplots()

# calculate and add CrIs
for i, (label, group) in enumerate(data.groupby('label')):
    posterior_mc = ps_sim[group.index][0,:]
    CrIs = sp.percentile(posterior_mc,(2.5,97.5))

Here is the output:
enter image description here
enter image description here

If I simply plug in the centered values as such

likelihood = pm.Binomial('likelihood',n=1,p=p,observed=data['score'] - data['score'].mean())

then I get oddly looking chains and generally weird results, I guess because this does something completely different than I expected and leads to some numerical problems.

Long story short: How to adjust a pmc3 model for binary input, but not ranging from 0 to 1?

Best Answer

Gelman is talking about centering the binary predictors ("input"), not the binary response ("output"). You centered the binary response.

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