Solved – At what n do n-grams become counterproductive

natural languagetext mining

When doing natural language processing, one can take a corpus and evaluate the probability of the next word occurring in a sequence of n. n is usually chosen as 2 or 3 (bigrams and trigrams).

Is there a known point at which tracking the data for the nth chain becomes counterproductive, given the amount of time it takes to classify a particular corpus once at that level? Or given the amount of time it would take to look up the probabilities from a (data structure) dictionary?

Best Answer

Is there a known point at which tracking the data for the nth chain becomes counterproductive, given the amount of time it takes to classify a particular corpus once at that level?

You should be looking for perplexity vs. n-gram size tables or plots.

Examples: :

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The perplexity depends on your language model, n-gram size, and data set. As usual, there is a trade-off between the quality of the language model, and how long it takes to run. The best language models nowadays are based on neural networks, so the choice of n-gram size is less of an issue (but then you need to choose the filter size(s) if you use CNN, amongst other hyperparameters…).

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