Solved – Asynchronous (irregular) Time Series Analysis

cross correlationrtime seriesunevenly-spaced-time-series

I am trying to analyze the lead-lag between time series of two stock prices.
In regular time series analysis, we can do Cross Correlaton, VECM (Granger Causality). However how does one handle the same in irregularly spaced time series.

The hypothesis is that one of the instruments leads the other.

I have data for both symbols to the microseconds.

I have looked at RTAQ package and also tried applying VECM.
RTAQ is more on a univariate time series while VECM is not significant on
these timescales.

> dput(STOCKS[,]))
structure(c(29979, 29980, 29980, 29980, 29981, 29981, 29991, 
29992, 29993, 29991, 29990, 29992), .Dim = c(6L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("Pair_Bid", "Calc_Bid" )), index = structure(c(1340686178.55163, 1340686181.40801, 1340686187.2642, 
1340686187.52668, 1340686187.78777, 1340686189.36693), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = ""), class = "zoo")

Best Answer

I know of one possible solution, but it is sufficiently complicated that I'm going to take the easy option and link you to the relevant academic paper (a critically under-rated paper in my opinion):

Frank de Jong, Theo Nijman (1997) "High Frequency Analysis of Lead-Lag Relationships Between Financial Markets"

I'm sure more work must have been done on this problem since then. A good way to find it is to use the "citations" page on ideas.repec. A link to the relevant page for the above-mentioned paper is here. A few titles look quite relevant.