Solved – Assumptions of GAM

logisticmachine learningnonlinear regression

I am looking to understand the assumptions of using a generalized additive model.

1) Are the assumptions the same as the assumptions for each equivalent link function in a generalized linear model – e.g. as linear regression, logistic regression etc.
along with the assumption that the additive smooth structure is correct and the errors are independent?

2) If these are the same assumptions, do they only play a role when you are making hypothesis tests (e.g. making inference about linear and smooth components)?

ADD: From Simon Wood (author of mgcv package in R), sounds like one indeed treats the need to check assumptions of GAM as the assumptions underlying the generalized linear model with the same link.

  • Since a GAM is just a penalized GLM, residual plots should be
    checked, exactly as for a GLM. I The distribution of scaled residuals
    should be examined, marginally, and plotted against covariates and
    fitted values. residuals(model) extracts residuals.

Best Answer

The similarity between the two is the link function and being additive but otherwise the generalized additive model is more general because the functions of the covariates need not be linear. In fact they are nonparametric functions whereas in the generalized linear model they are linear in the parameters.

I think that if you are fitting by least squares then in both cases you would be testing normality and constant variance just as you would for OLS linear regression.