Solved – ARMA-GARCH model initial parameters for optimizer


I am implementing a program to fit an ARMA-GARCH model to given data.

My model parameters are optimised by maximizing the Maximum Likelihood function using a nonlinear algorithm.

The algorithm requires an initial set of parameter values to start from, and I noticed by looking at other GARCH tools out there that those initial parameters have a huge impact on the result.

How can I choose those initial parameter values for my model?

I know for instance that for an AR model we can use Yule-Walker equations or OLS, but I am not sure about an ARMA-GARCH process.

Best Answer

You can set the starting values for the conditional variance/mean values to their theoretical unconditional values. For errors you could set them to zero (because their mean = 0). For other AR,MA parameters you can solve the Yule-Walker equation, for garch parameters to the best of my knowledge you need to fix them to some arbitrarily values BUT they should respect the theoretical constraints ( positivity constraints, stationarity constraints...). Ex for Garch(1,1) , constraints: alpha + beta <= 1 ...

EDIT : For Initial values of the ARMA part you can have a look to the following article : (paragraph "16.2 Initial values" ):

A Package for Estimating, Forecasting and Simulating Arfima Models: Arfima package 1.0 for Ox / By Jurgen A. Doornik and Marius Ooms

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