Solved – ARIMA model fitting and forecasting implementation


I am new to time series modelling and I am trying to build a simple time series model using ARIMA methodology and forecast. I could write an R program to do the same, but I am more interested in writing my own arima(1,1,0) and predict() functions that R provides in Java / C++ / Python. While I can go about reading the theory behind ARIMA modeling and then implementing it, I still face a learning curve there, due to time constraints, I would like to take an approach where I can see a time series data sample, and a write up which walks me through the steps to compute arima() and predict() so that I can implement an algorithm. If someone can point me to a sourcecode / psedocode / step-by-step example via data, it would really be helpful.

Best Answer

Here's an open source ARIMA implementation. It's under GNU license. Not sure if they would mind you learning from it!

It's an ARIMA implementation in C++, windows executable and source available. I think going through it you should be able to learn ARIMA the quick way.

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