Solved – Are these MLE estimates biased

maximum likelihoodoptimizationrweibull distribution

It was my understanding that MLE estimates were asymptotically unbiased. The following simulation therefore confuses me. Can anyone help me with my understanding here?

I estimate the parameters of 50 random Weibulls that I've simulated with shape = scale = 1 (using the Wikipedia/R parameterisation)

After lots of simulations, we should* get a distribution of parameter estimates, the median of which equals the simulated values.

The result is that the median of the estimates are significantly different from the simulated parameters:

         shape     scale
est   1.018636 0.9954484
2.5%  1.015124 0.9919716
97.5% 1.021469 0.9984734

I expect I may be wrong at the "should*" above. If so, what is correct?

The R code is below:

I am simulating using rweibull() and estimating parameters using mle() in the core stats4 package and also fitdist() in the fitdistrplus. I am using the correct estimates as the starting parameters, so there shouldn't be any optimisation issues here. (?)

# fitdistrplus::fitdist() fitting
res <- replicate(1e4,

# stats4::mle() fitting
res <- replicate(1e4,{
  y <- rweibull(50,shape=1,scale=1)
  nll <- function(shape,scale) -sum(dweibull(y,shape,scale,log=TRUE))
  res <- stats4::mle(

# calculate median of the simulated estimates and its bootstrapped confidence interval

Best Answer

Increase the sample size from fifty & the averages of your parameter estimates over many simulations should get closer still to the true ones—that's what asymptotically unbiased means.

[As @Joe's pointed out, bias (at least "bias" without further qualification—there is such a thing as median-unbiasedness) is the expected difference between the true value & its estimate, so you should be looking at the means rather than the medians in your simulations, if it's this you want to assess.]

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