Solved – Are the terms probability density function and probability distribution (or just “distribution”) interchangeable


Like the title says, are the terms probability density function and probability distribution (or just "distribution") interchangeable? If not, what is the difference?

Best Answer

The phrase probability density function (pdf) means a specific thing: a function $f_X(\cdot)$ for a specific random variable $X$ (that's what that subscript there is for, to distinguish this function from the pdfs of other random variables) with the property that for all real numbers $a$ and $b$ such that $a < b$, $$P\{a < X \leq b\} = \int_a^b f_X(u)\,\mathrm du = \int_a^b f_X(v)\,\mathrm dv = \int_a^b f_X(t)\,\mathrm dt.$$ The different integrals are intended to serve as a reminder that it does not matter in the least what symbol we use as the argument of $f_X(\cdot)$ and that it is not the case (as is regrettably far too often believed by those starting on this subject) that the argument must be the lower-case letter corresponding to the upper-case letter that denotes the random variable. We also insist that $$\int_{-\infty}^\infty f_X(u)\,\mathrm du = 1.$$ If $P\{X = \alpha\} > 0$ for some real number $\alpha$, then $X$ does not have a pdf except for those who incorporate Dirac deltas into their probability calculus.

The cumulative probability distribution function (cdf or CDF) $F_X(\cdot)$ of $X$ is the function defined as $$F_X(\alpha) = P\{X \leq \alpha\}, -\infty < \alpha < \infty.$$ It is related to the pdf (for functions that do have a pdf) through $$F_X(\alpha) = \int_{-\infty}^\alpha f_X(u)\,\mathrm du.$$


While there might be a very restrictive definition of the phrase probability distribution that some people insist on, the colloquial use of the term broadly encompasses the pdf and the CDF and the pmf (probability mass function which is also called the ddf or discrete density function) and whatever else we might want to include as descriptive of the probabilistic behavior of a random variable. For example, the phrase

the probability distribution of $X$ is uniform on $(a,b)$

will hardly ever be interpreted as meaning that the CDF of $X$ has constant value on $(a,b)~$!! Although it is the distribution which is alleged to be uniform, everyone in his/her right mind will take that as meaning that the density of $X$ has constant value $(b-a)^{-1}$ on the interval $(a,b)$ (and has value $0$ elsewhere). Similarly, for "$X$ is uniformly distributed on $(a,b)$" when what is meant is that the pdf of $X$ has constant value on $(a,b)$.

As another instance of colloquial usage of distribution to mean density, consider this quote from a recently posted answer by Moderator Glen_b.

"Saying the mode implies that the distribution has one and only one."

A density might possess a unique mode but a CDF cannot have a unique mode (in the unextended reals). However, no one reading that quote is likely to think that Glen_b meant the CDF when he wrote "distribution".