Solved – Are sample statistics relevant when comparing census data across time periods

censushypothesis testingreferencessampling

I've had people tell me on numerous occasions that you can / should do tests normally reserved for sample statistics (e.g., difference of means etc.) on census data when you are comparing figures over time. The claim usually made is that this is because each census is a 'sample in time'.

My understanding is that it is not appropriate to extend sampling theory in this way. Specifically, the explanation below (copied from census statistical techniques) describes my view quite well.

When you have a sample you use inferential stats to generalise to the
population. When you have a census you already have data for the whole
population, so there is no need to generalise.

For example, if you used sampling, and there is a 3% difference
between groups, then you have to use inferential stats to decide
whether that 3% difference is real, or just due to random chance when
you did the sampling.

But if you did a census, and there is a 3% difference between groups,
well, then there's definitely a 3% difference. That 3% difference is
not due to random chance in sampling, because you have data for the
whole population. However, even with a census you will still need to
use your own judgement to think about why there is a 3% difference
(for reasons other than random chance in sampling), and whether the 3%
difference is large enough to have any practical significance for the
work you are doing.

So basically, just use descriptive stats. Correlations are fine, but
you only need the r value to show the strength of the correlation, not
the p value which is related to random chance in sampling.

A lot of people don't get the difference between sample stats and
census stats, and will complain that you didn't do the stats properly.
I've had cases where I ended up having to do inferential stats on
census data just because people complained so much that there were no
p values on anything!

If you have a lot of missing data from a census sometimes you need
some fancy inferential stats to fill it in. I doubt this will apply to
you, but it does apply to the US population census because (for some
bizarre libertarian reason) completing the census survey in not
mandatory in the US.

However, my question relates to comparisons across time rather than between groups. The argument I've been given is that when you look across time, each census parameter is actually a single-point sample from all possible parameters across time. I have a couple of problems with this:

  1. differences in census figures across time won't be attributable to chance. They must be attributable to changes in the underlying environment / population and
  2. even if the 'samples in time' argument is correct, you only ever have very few data points sampled from this 'infinite population'–maybe parameters across four or five censuses you want to compare–which means $n$ is so tiny as to be useless for generating sample statistics.

Surely others have addressed this situation more formally, but I've been unable to find material covering this situation. My question therefore is:

Can anyone here point me in the direction of material discussing this issue or offer an explanation of the 'samples in time' argument that provides a more formal foundation for accepting that it is indeed appropriate to use sample statistical tests on census parameters?

Best Answer

The problem with studying the change of observables in time (such dataset is formally called "time series"), is that for each case observations in different points in time are dependent, which forces us at least to use tests that are valid for paired data (when comparing two data points), or VECM if you want to analyze all time points at once. In particular, significance test of regressions are invalid in such setup.

When you treat each time point as a separate independent group, you are likely to greatly exaggerate significance.

The question whether use statistical tests or not for census data depends on what is your hypothesis. If you want to infer for this particular group of people in this particular point of time (if the census actually concerns people), than there is no need for significance indeed. But very often we want implicitly to make an inference about some bigger population, e.g. whole Europe. In that case we need to treat our dataset as a sample. Or we want to make inference about our population in future; in this case we would use VECM or similar technique valid for time series.

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