IID – Are ‘Random Sample’ and ‘IID Random Variable’ Synonyms? Detailed Analysis


I have been facing hard time understanding meaning of "random sample" as well as "iid random variable". I tried to find out the meaning from several sources, but just got more and more confused. I am posting here what I tried and got to know:

Degroot's Probability & Statistics says:

Random Samples / i.i.d. / Sample Size : Consider a given probability distribution on the real line that can be represented by either a p.f. or a p.d.f. $f$. It is said that $n$ random variables $X_1 , . . . , X_n$ form a random sample from this distribution if these random variables are independent and the marginal p.f. or p.d.f. of each of them is $f$. Such random variables are also said to be independent and identically distributed, abbreviated i.i.d. We refer to the number n of random variables as the sample size.

But one of the other statistics book I have says:

In a Random Sampling, we guarantee that every individual unit in the population gets an equal chance(probability) of being selected.

So, I have a feeling that i.i.d.s are elements that construct random sample, and the procedure to have random sample is random sampling. Am I right?

P.S.: I am very confused about this topic, so I will appreciate elaborate reply. Thanks.

Best Answer

You don't say what the other statistics book is, but I'd guess that it is a book (or section) about finite population sampling.

When you sample random variables, i.e. when you consider a set $X_1,\dots,X_n$ of $n$ random variables, you know that if they are independent, $f(x_1,\dots,x_n)=f(x_1)\cdots f(x_n)$, and identically distributed, in particular $E(X_i)=\mu$ and $\text{Var}(X_i)=\sigma^2$ for all $i$, then: $$\overline{X}=\frac{\sum_i X_i}{n},\quad E(\overline{X})=\mu,\quad \text{Var}(\overline{X})=\frac{\sigma^2}{n}$$ where $\sigma^2$ is the second central moment.

Sampling a finite population is somewhat different. If the population is of size $N$, in sampling without replacement there are $\binom{N}{n}$ possible samples $s_i$ of size $n$ and they are equiprobable: $$p(s_i)=\frac{1}{\binom{N}{n}}\quad\forall i=1,\dots,\binom{N}{n}$$ For example, if $N=5$ and $n=3$, the sample space is $\{s_1,\dots,s_{10}\}$ and the possibile samples are: $$\begin{gather}s_1=\{1,2,3\},s_2=\{1,2,4\},s_3=\{1,2,5\},s_4=\{1,3,4\},s_5=\{1,3,5\},\\ s_6=\{1,4,5\},s_7=\{2,3,4\},s_8=\{2,3,5\},s_9=\{2,4,5\},s_{10}=\{3,4,5\}\end{gather}$$ If you count the number of occurences of each individual, you can see that they are six, i.e. each individual has an equal chanche of being selected (6/10). So each $s_i$ is a random sample according to the second definition. Roughly, it is not an i.i.d. random sample because individuals are not random variables: you can consistently estimate $E[X]$ by a sample mean but will never know its exact value, but you can know the exact population mean if $n=N$ (let me repeat: roughly.)${}^1$

Let $\mu$ be some polulation mean (mean height, mean income, ...). When $n<N$ you can estimate $\mu$ like in random variable sampling: $$\overline{y}_s=\sum_{i=1}^n y_i,\quad E(\overline{y}_s)=\mu$$ but the sample mean variance is different: $$\text{Var}(\overline{y}_s)=\frac{\tilde\sigma^2}{n}\left(1-\frac{n}{N}\right)$$ where $\tilde\sigma^2$ is the population quasi-variance: $\frac{\sum_{i=1}^N(y_i-\overline{y})^2}{N-1}$. Factor $(1-n/N)$ is usally called "finite population correction factor".

This is a quick example of how a (random variable) i.i.d. random sample and a (finite population) random sample may differ. Statistical inference is mainly about random variable sampling, sampling theory is about finite population sampling.

${}^1$ Say you are manufacturing light bulbs and wish to know their average life span. Your "population" is just a theoretical or virtual one, at least if you keep manufacturing light bulbs. So you have to model a data generation process and intepret a set of light bulbs as a (random variable) sample. Say now that you find a box of 1000 light bulbs and wish to know their average life span. You can select a small set of light bulbs (a finite population sample), but you could select all of them. If you select a small sample, this doesn't transform light bulbs into random variables: the random variable is generated by you, as the choice between "all" and "a small set" is up to you. However, when a finite population is very large (say your country population), when choosing "all" is not viable, the second situation is better handled as the first one.