Solved – Are degrees of freedom in lmerTest::anova correct? They are very different from RM-ANOVA

anovadegrees of freedomlme4-nlmemixed modelrepeated measures

I am analyzing the results of a reaction time experiment in R.

I ran a repeated measures ANOVA (1 within-subject factor with 2 levels and 1 between-subject factor with 2 levels). I ran a similar linear mixed model and I wanted to summarize the lmer results in the form of ANOVA table using lmerTest::anova.

Don't get me wrong: I did not expect the identical results, however I am not sure about the degrees of freedom in lmerTest::anova results. It seems to me it rather reflects an ANOVA with no aggregation on subject-level.

I am aware of the fact that calculating degrees of freedom in mixed-effect models is tricky, but lmerTest::anova is mentioned as one possible solution in the updated ?pvalues topic (lme4 package).

Is this calculation correct? Do the results of lmerTest::anova correctly reflect the specified model?

Update: I made the individual differences larger. The degrees of freedom in lmerTest::anova are more different from simple anova, but I am still not sure, why they are so large for the within-subject factor/interaction.

# mini example with ANT dataset from ez package
library(ez); library(lme4); library(lmerTest)

# repeated measures ANOVA with ez package
ANT.2 <- subset(ANT, !error)
# update: make individual differences larger
baseline.shift <- rnorm(length(unique(ANT.2$subnum)), 0, 50)
ANT.2$rt <- ANT.2$rt + baseline.shift[as.numeric(ANT.2$subnum)]

anova.ez <- ezANOVA(data = ANT.2, dv = .(rt), wid = .(subnum), 
  within = .(direction), between = .(group))

# similarly with lmer and lmerTest::anova
model <- lmer(rt ~ group * direction + (1 | subnum), data = ANT.2)

# simple ANOVA on all available data
m <- lm(rt ~ group * direction, data = ANT.2)

Results of the code above [updated]:



           Effect DFn DFd         F          p p<.05          ges
2           group   1  18 2.6854464 0.11862957       0.1294475137
3       direction   1  18 0.9160571 0.35119193       0.0001690471
4 group:direction   1  18 4.9169156 0.03970473     * 0.0009066868


Analysis of Variance Table of type 3  with  Satterthwaite 
approximation for degrees of freedom
                Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Denom Pr(>F)
group            1  13293   13293  2.6830    18 0.1188
direction        1   1946    1946  0.3935  5169 0.5305
group:direction  1  11563   11563  2.3321  5169 0.1268


Analysis of Variance Table

Response: rt
                  Df   Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value Pr(>F)    
group              1  1791568 1791568 242.3094 <2e-16 ***
direction          1      728     728   0.0985 0.7537    
group:direction    1    12024   12024   1.6262 0.2023    
Residuals       5187 38351225    7394                    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Best Answer

I think that lmerTest is getting it right and ezanova is getting it wrong in this case.

  • the results from lmerTest agree with my intuition/understanding
  • two different computations in lmerTest (Satterthwaite and Kenward-Roger) agree
  • they also agree with nlme::lme
  • when I run it, ezanova gives a warning, which I don't entirely understand, but which should not be disregarded ...

Re-running example:

library(ez); library(lmerTest); library(nlme)
ANT.2 <- subset(ANT, !error)
set.seed(101)  ## for reproducibility
baseline.shift <- rnorm(length(unique(ANT.2$subnum)), 0, 50)
ANT.2$rt <- ANT.2$rt + baseline.shift[as.numeric(ANT.2$subnum)]

Figure out experimental design


So it looks like individuals (subnum) are placed in either control or treatment groups, and each is tested for both directions -- i.e. direction can be tested within individuals (denominator df is large), but group and group:direction can only be tested among individuals

(anova.ez <- ezANOVA(data = ANT.2, dv = .(rt), wid = .(subnum), 
    within = .(direction), between = .(group)))
##            Effect DFn DFd         F          p p<.05          ges
## 2           group   1  18 2.4290721 0.13651174       0.1183150147
## 3       direction   1  18 0.9160571 0.35119193       0.0002852171
## 4 group:direction   1  18 4.9169156 0.03970473     * 0.0015289914

Here I get Warning: collapsing data to cell means. *IF* the requested effects are a subset of the full design, you must use the "within_full" argument, else results may be inaccurate. The denominator DF look a little funky (all equal to 18): I think they should be larger for direction and group:direction, which can be tested independently (but would be smaller if you added (direction|subnum) to the model)?

# similarly with lmer and lmerTest::anova
model <- lmer(rt ~ group * direction + (1 | subnum), data = ANT.2)
##                 Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Denom Pr(>F)
## group            1 12065.7 12065.7  2.4310    18 0.1364
## direction        1  1952.2  1952.2  0.3948  5169 0.5298
## group:direction  1 11552.2 11552.2  2.3299  5169 0.1270

the Df column here refers to the numerator df, Denom (second-to-last) gives the estimated denominator df; they agree with the classical intuition. More important, we also get different answers for the F values ...

We can also double-check with Kenward-Roger (very slow because it involves refitting the model several times)


The results are identical.

For this example lme (from the nlme package) actually does a perfectly good job guessing the appropriate denominator df (the F and p-values are very slightly different):

model3 <- lme(rt ~ group * direction, random=~1|subnum, data = ANT.2)
##                 numDF denDF   F-value p-value
## group               1    18 2.4334314  0.1362
## direction           1  5169 0.3937316  0.5304
## group:direction     1  5169 2.3298847  0.1270

If I fit an interaction between direction and subnum the df for direction and group:direction are much smaller (I would have thought they would be 18, but maybe I'm getting something wrong):

model2 <- lmer(rt ~ group * direction + (direction | subnum), data = ANT.2)
##                 Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Denom Pr(>F)
## group            1 20334.7 20334.7  2.4302  17.995 0.1364
## direction        1  1804.3  1804.3  0.3649 124.784 0.5469
## group:direction  1 10616.6 10616.6  2.1418 124.784 0.1459
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