Solved – Are all continuous random variables normally distributed

mathematical-statisticsnormal distribution

All the time I see examples of the normal/Gaussian distribution with continuous random variables. So my question is do all continuous random variables have a Gaussian distribution?

Best Answer


Lots of real life variables have distributions which are better described as other distributions. t-distributions (heavier tails) are common, as are various skewed distributions, for example, many real measurements must be positive, so greater than or equal to zero, but can have a long tail of high values. Quite a lot of real world data is counts, or similar integer data, which is often better described by a Poisson distribution.

In my personal experience, in epidemiology, bio-medicine, and sociology, genuinely 'normal' distributions, that is real data which can best described as a normal distribution, are uncommon, but it does depend on the field you work in, and exactly what data you are looking at.