Elastic Net vs Lasso – Exploring Disadvantages of Elastic Net

elastic netlasso

What are the disadvantages of using elastic net in comparison to lasso.
I know that the elastic net is able to select groups of variables when they are highly correlated.

  1. It doesn't have the problem of selecting more than $n$ predictors when $p \gg n$. Whereas lasso saturates when $p \gg n$.

  2. When there are highly correlated predictors lasso tends to just pick one predictor out of the group.

  3. When $n \gg p$ and the predictors are correlated, the prediction performance of lasso is smaller than that of ridge.

All these disadvantages of lasso are overcome by the elasic net.

What I don't understand is when should the lasso be then used? Is there any reason to use it when the elastic net performs better than lasso?
What are the disadvantages of using elastic net in some cases?
In which cases would the lasso be a better choice?

Best Answer

One disadvantage is the computational cost. You need to cross-validate the relative weight of L1 vs. L2 penalty, $\alpha$, and that increases the computational cost by the number of values in the $\alpha$ grid.

Another disadvantage (but at the same time an advantage) is the flexibility of the estimator. With greater flexibility comes increased probability of overfitting. It may be that the optimal $\alpha$ for the population and for the given sample size is $0$, turning elastic net into lasso, but you happen to choose a different value due to chance (because that value delivers better performance when cross-validating in the particular sample).