Solved – ANOVA – when homogeneity of variance is violated

heteroscedasticitymixed model

My data was a repeated measurement (3-4 measuring times) with one fixed factor (4 doses) and nested (Please find an example below).

I would like to ran ANOVA but the assumption of homogeneity of variance was violated for some of the measuring times (e.g. Day1). Transformation of data did not fix the problem, what test could I use? Should I use Welch–Satterthwaite adjustment for F value, or use generalized mixed model or ran non-parametric test? I saw these three methods were use when Levene test is significant, or any other method would be better?

Thank you deeply for all the generous help!

ID   Location Dose  Day1    Day 3    Day 7
1     A       0.1    2.3     3.1      3.07
2     A       0.1    2.02    2.9      3.02
3     B       0.1    2.5     3.5      5.12
4     B       0.1    2.3     4.05     5.07
5     C       0.2    2.2     6.1      6.55
6     C       0.2    2.5     3.1      3.07
7     D       0.2    2.1     5.1      5.25
8     D       0.2    2.4     3.3      4.07

Best Answer

Since you assume is homogeneity is violated, data transformation is only alternative to minimize the variation in the data obtained. I have this kind of same problem like you, and I tried the Generalized Linear mixed model with dependent follow to poisson distribution. For your case, I think the dependent follow any distribution such exponential or else, just see the pattern. Good luck..

Here is the sample to analyze GLMM using Renter image description here

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