Solved – Analyzing Likert scales

descriptive statisticslikertspss

The Likert scale I am analyzing has both positive and negative questions, but all the items are answered with 4 – strongly agree, 3 – agree, 2 – disagree and 4 – strongly disagree. For analysis, should I make the weight of the answers the same?

For example, if the statement is positive, then 4 must be given to strongly agree, and then for negative statements, a 4 should also be given to strongly disagree. What else can I do aside from Mean and Standard Deviation?

Best Answer

There are two things that one shouldn't mix. Positive/negative wording of an item and positive/negative anchoring (or orientation) of an item to the scale (the construct). Consider, for example, construct "Religiosity". Items are all rated by 1 = strongly disagree to 4 = strongly agree. "I do not believe in the evolutionary theory" is a negatively expressed statement agreement with which adds you scores on Religiosity. "I seldom or never visit church on Sunday" is an item reversely anchored to Religiosity: if you strongly agree with the statement, you should revert its rating scale and add 1, not 4, to Religiosity sum.

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