Solved – An intuitive meaning of the area under the PR curve

data miningmachine learningprecision-recallroc

Wikipedia says that an interpretation of the area under the ROC curve is: "the area under the curve is equal to the probability that a classifier will rank a randomly chosen positive instance higher than a randomly chosen negative one".

But is it the same interpretation of the area under the PR curve? If not, can you please give me an intuitive interpretation for it like the above?

Edit: PR == Precision-Recall

Best Answer

The area under the PR-Curve is ill-defined. Because there is no well-defined precision at recall 0: you get a division by zero there.

You also cannot close this gap easily - it may be anything from 0 to 1, depending on how well your retrieval works.

There is a common approximation to this - AveP, average precision.