Solved – Algorithms for Time Series Anomaly Detection

anomaly detectionrregressiontime series

I'm currently using Twitter's AnomalyDetection in R: This algorithm provides time series anomaly detection for data with seasonality.

Question: are there any other algorithms similar to this (controlling for seasonality doesn't matter)?

I'm trying to score as many time series algorithms as possible on my data so that I can pick the best one / ensemble.

Best Answer

Twitter algorithm is based on

Rosner, B., (May 1983), "Percentage Points for a Generalized ESD Many-Outlier Procedure" , Technometrics, 25(2), pp. 165-172

I'm sure there have been many techniques and advances since 1983!. I have tested on my internal data, and Twitter's anomaly detection does not identify obvious outliers. I would use other approaches as well to test for outliers in time series. The best that I have come across is Tsay's outlier detection procedure which is implemented in SAS/SPSS/Autobox and SCA software. All of which are commercial systems. There is also tsoutliers package which is great but needs specification of arima model in order to work efficiently. I have had issues with its default auto.arima with regards to optimization and model selection.

Tsay's article is a seminal work in outlier detection in time series. Leading journal in forecasting research International Journal of Forecasting mentioned that Tsay's article is one of the most cited work and most influential papers in an article linked above (also see below). Diffusion of this important work and other outlier detection algorithms in forecasting software(especially in open source software) is a rarity.

enter image description here

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