Solved – Advanced statistics books recommendation

generalized linear modelmaximum likelihoodpcareferencessaddlepoint-approximation

There are several threads on this site for book recommendations on introductory statistics and machine learning but I am looking for a text on advanced statistics including, in order of priority: maximum likelihood, generalized linear models, principal component analysis, non-linear models. I've tried Statistical Models by A.C. Davison but frankly I had to put it down after 2 chapters. The text is encyclopedic in its coverage and mathematical treats but, as a practitioner, I like to approach subjects by understanding the intuition first, and then delve into the mathematical background.

These are some texts that I consider outstanding for their pedagogical value. I would like to find an equivalent for the more advanced subjects I mentioned.

Best Answer

Maximum likelihood: In all Likelihood (Pawitan). Moderately clear book and the most clear (IMO) with respect to books dealing with likelihood only. Also has R code.

GLMs: Categorical Data Analysis (Agresti, 2002) is one of the best written stat books I have read (also has R code available). This text will also help with maximum likelihood. The third edition is coming out in a few months.

Second on my list for the above two is Collett's Modelling Binary Data.

PCA: I find Rencher's writing clear in Methods of multivariate analysis. This is a graduate level text, but it is introductory.

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