Solved – Adjusting for Confounding with Kruskal Wallis

confoundingkruskal-wallis test”nonparametric

I have a numerical response variable A which depends on a categorical explanatory variable B. I also have another variable C that I'd like to check for confounding effects. So far I've been using ANOVA, but I've realised my response variable A is not normally distributed, so I need a non-parametric test. Thus I thought about Kruskal-Wallis, but I am not aware it's possible to perform such test (I'm an R user).
Do you know if there's any equivalent to ANOVA but non-parametric for such task?

Best Answer

First, the response variable does not have to be normally distributed to use ANOVA. The errors (as estimated by the residuals) do.

Second, if you want a method that does not require the assumption that the residuals are normally distributed, you can use robust regression or quantile regression.