LASSO – Comprehensive Overview of Group Lasso Derivation in Regularization


I've been reading the paper of group lasso, "Model selection and estimation in regression with
grouped variables".

In page 53 of the above paper, I don't know how to obtain Eqn 2.3 and derive Eqn. 2.4 from Eqn. 2.2:
enter image description here

The following is my derivation, from Eqn. 2.2:
-X_j^TY+X_j^TX_j\beta_j+\sum_{i\neq j}X_j^TX_i\beta_i + \frac{\lambda \beta_j \sqrt{p_j}}{\|\beta_j\|}=0
then, we have
\left( X_j^TX_j+\frac{\lambda \sqrt{p_j}}{\|\beta_j\|} \right)\beta_j=X_j^T(Y-\sum_{i\neq j}X_i^T\beta_i)=S_j
\beta_j={\left( X_j^TX_j+\frac{\lambda\sqrt{p_j}}{\|\beta_j\|} \right)}^{-1}S_j
The result above has a little difference from Eqn. 2.4 in the paper. Could you please indicate what's wrong with my derivation? In addition, in another document, the result of following is also different.

enter image description here

UPDATED: Yes! The first problem is solved.
\|\beta_j\|=\|S_j\|{\left( 1+\frac{\lambda\sqrt{p_j}}{\|\beta_j\|} \right)}^{-1}
Then, we could get
then re-substitute into the formulation above above, then we get
\beta_j={\left( 1-\frac{\lambda\sqrt{p_j}}{\|S_j\|} \right)}S_j
But, where is the $+$ in the above formula?

Best Answer

the derivation of L2 norm is follow:
1. $\frac{\beta_j}{\|\beta_j\|}$ when $\beta_j \ne 0 $.
2. any vector with $ \| \beta_j \| \le 1 $ when $beta_j = 0$.
So when combing these two formula together, you can get the plus sign in the formula.