Solved – A serious in-depth problem of probabilities for flipping coins

conditional probabilitydistributionsprobabilityself-study

Lets say I'm doing 10,000 flips of a coin. I would like to know the probability of how many flips it takes to get 4 or more consecutive heads in a row.

The count would work as the following, you would count one successive round of flips being only heads (4 heads or more). When a tails hits and breaks the streak of heads the count would start again from the next flip. This would then repeat for 10,000 flips.

I'd like to know the probability of not just 4 or more heads in a row but, 6 or more, and 10 or more. To clarify if a streak of 9 heads is achieved it would be tallied as 1 streak 4 or more (and/or 6 or more), not 2 separate streaks. For example if the coin came THTHTHTHHHHHH///THAHTHT….the count would be 13 and begin once again on the next tails.

Let's say the data comes out to be highly skewed to the right; the mean being 40 flips on average it takes to achieve a streak of 4 or more, and the distribution is u = 28. Obviously skewed.

I'm doing my best to find a way to make some sense out of descriptive data, except as of now I've found nothing.

I want to find some way of getting some sensible probability out of it. Like a normal curve where +/- 1 SD is 68% etc..I've looked into log normalizing and that's only really used for a parametric testing which is not my goal.

I have been told beta distributions but every suggestion I've had has been quite confusing. I've asked this question a year ago and got some insight but unfortunately I still do not have an answer. Thank you to any of you who have ideas.

Best Answer

If I have understood correctly, then the problem is to find a probability distribution for the time at which the first run of $n$ or more heads ends.

Edit The probabilities can be determined accurately and quickly using matrix multiplication, and it is also possible to analytically compute the mean as $\mu_-=2^{n+1}-1$ and the variance as $\sigma^2=2^{n+2}\left(\mu-n-3\right) -\mu^2 + 5\mu$ where $\mu=\mu_-+1$, but there is probably not a simple closed form for the distribution itself. Above a certain number of coin flips the distribution is essentially a geometric distribution: it would make sense to use this form for larger $t$.

The evolution in time of the probability distribution in state space can be modelled using a transition matrix for $k=n+2$ states, where $n=$ the number of consecutive coin flips. The states are as follows:

  • State $H_0$, no heads
  • State $H_i$, $i$ heads, $1\le i\le(n-1)$
  • State $H_n$, $n$ or more heads
  • State $H_*$, $n$ or more heads followed by a tail

Once you get into state $H_*$ you can't get back to any of the other states.

The state transition probabilities to get into the states are as follows

  • State $H_0$: probability $\frac12$ from $H_i$, $i=0,\ldots,n-1$, i.e. including itself but not state $H_n$
  • State $H_i$: probability $\frac12$ from $H_{i-1}$
  • State $H_n$: probability $\frac12$ from $H_{n-1},H_n$, i.e. from the state with $n-1$ heads and itself
  • State $H_*$: probability $\frac12$ from $H_n$ and probability 1 from $H_*$ (itself)

So for example, for $n=4$, this gives the transition matrix

$$ X = \left\{ \begin{array}{c|cccccc} & H_0 & H_1 & H_2 & H_3 & H_4 & H_* \\ \hline H_0 & \frac12 & \frac12& \frac12& \frac12 &0 & 0 \\ H_1 & \frac12 &0 & 0 &0 & 0 & 0 \\ H_2 & 0 & \frac12 &0 &0 & 0 & 0 \\ H_3 & 0 & 0 &\frac12 &0 & 0 & 0 \\ H_4 & 0 & 0 &0 &\frac12 & \frac12 & 0 \\ H_* & 0 & 0 & 0&0 &\frac12 & 1 \end{array}\right\} $$

For the case $n=4$, the initial vector of probabilities $\mathbf{p}$ is $\mathbf{p}=(1,0,0,0,0,0)$. In general the initial vector has $$\mathbf{p}_i=\begin{cases}1&i=0\\0&i>0\end{cases}$$

The vector $\mathbf{p}$ is the probability distribution in space for any given time. The required cdf is a cdf in time, and is the probability of having seen at least $n$ coin flips end by time $t$. It can be written as $(X^{t+1}\mathbf{p})_k$, noting that we reach state $H_*$ 1 timestep after the last in the run of consecutive coin flips.

The required pmf in time can be written as $(X^{t+1}\mathbf{p})_k - (X^{t}\mathbf{p})_k$. However numerically this involves taking away a very small number from a much larger number ($\approx 1$) and restricts precision. Therefore in calculations it is better to set $X_{k,k}=0$ rather than 1. Then writing $X'$ for the resulting matrix $X'=X|X_{k,k}=0$, the pmf is $(X'^{t+1}\mathbf{p})_k$. This is what is implemented in the simple R program below, which works for any $n\ge 2$,

X=matrix(c(rep(1,n),0,0, # first row
           rep(c(1,rep(0,k)),n-2), # to half-way thru penultimate row
           1,rep(0,k),1,1,rep(0,k-1),1,0), # replace 0 by 2 for cdf

pt=rep(0,t) # probability at time t
pv=c(1,rep(0,k-1)) # probability vector
for(i in 1:(t+1)) {
  #pvk=pv[k]; # if calculating via cdf
  pv = X %*% pv;
  #pt[i-1]=pv[k]-pvk # if calculating via cdf
  pt[i-1]=pv[k] # if calculating pmf

c(m, v)


The upper plot shows the pmf between 0 and 100. The lower two plots show the pmf between 10 and 110 and also between 1010 and 1110, illustrating the self-similarity and the fact that as @Glen_b says, the distribution looks like it can be approximated by a geometric distribution after a settling down period.

enter image description here

It's possible to investigate this behaviour further using an eigenvector decomposition of $X$. Doing so shows that the for sufficiently large $t$, $p_{t+1}\approx c(n)p_t$, where $c(n)$ is the solution of the equation $2^{n+1}c^n(c-1)+1=0$. This approximation gets better with increasing $n$ and is excellent for $t$ in the range from about 30 to 50, depending on the value of $n$, as shown in the plot of log error below for computing $p_{100}$ (rainbow colours, red on the left for $n=2$). (In fact for numerical reasons, it would actually be better to use the geometric approximation for probabilities when $t$ is larger.)

enter image description here

I suspect(ed) there might be a closed form available for the distribution because the means and variances as I have calculated them as follows

$$ \begin{array}{r|rr} n & \text{Mean} & \text{Variance} \\ \hline 2 &7& 24& \\ 3 &15& 144& \\ 4 &31& 736& \\ 5 &63& 3392& \\ 6 &127& 14720& \\ 7 &255& 61696& \\ 8 &511& 253440& \\ 9 &1023& 1029120& \\ 10&2047& 4151296& \\ \end{array} $$

(I had to bump up the number up the time horizon to t=100000 to get this but the program still ran for all $n=2,\ldots,10$ in less than about 10 seconds.) The means in particular follow a very obvious pattern; the variances less so. I have solved a simpler, 3-state transition system in the past, but so far I'm having no luck with a simple analytic solution to this one. Perhaps there's some useful theory that I'm not aware of, e.g. relating to transition matrices.

Edit: after a lot of false starts I came up with a recurrence formula. Let $p_{i,t}$ be the probability of being in state $H_i$ at time $t$. Let $q_{*,t}$ be the cumulative probability of being in state $H_*$, i.e. the final state, at time $t$. NB

  • For any given $t$, $p_{i,t}, 0\le i\le n$ and $q_{*,t}$ are a probability distribution over space $i$ , and immediately below I use the fact that their probabilities add to 1.
  • $p_{*,t}$ form a probability distribution over time $t$. Later, I use this fact in deriving the means and variances.

The probability of being at the first state at time $t+1$, i.e. no heads, is given by the transition probabilities from states that can return to it from time $t$ (using the theorem of total probability). \begin{align} p_{0,t+1} &= \frac12p_{0,t} + \frac12p_{1,t} + \ldots \frac12p_{n-1,t}\\ &= \frac12\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}p_{i,t}\\ &= \frac12\left( 1-p_{n,t}-q_{*,t} \right) \end{align} But to get from state $H_0$ to $H_{n-1}$ takes $n-1$ steps, hence $p_{n-1,t+n-1} = \frac1{2^{n-1}}p_{0,t}$ and $$ p_{n-1,t+n} = \frac1{2^n}\left( 1-p_{n,t}-q_{*,t} \right)$$ Once again by the theorem of total probability the probability of being at state $H_n$ at time $t+1$ is \begin{align} p_{n,t+1} &= \frac12p_{n,t} + \frac12p_{n-1,t}\\ &= \frac12p_{n,t} + \frac1{2^{n+1}}\left( 1-p_{n,t-n}-q_{*,t-n} \right)\;\;\;(\dagger)\\ \end{align} and using the fact that $q_{*,t+1}-q_{*,t}=\frac12p_{n,t} \implies p_{n,t} = 2q_{*,t+1}-2q_{*,t}$, \begin{align} 2q_{*,t+2} - 2q_{*,t+1} &= q_{*,t+1}-q_{*,t}+\frac1{2^{n+1}}\left( 1-2q_{*,t-n+1}+q_{*,t-n} \right) \end{align} Hence, changing $t\to t+n$, $$2q_{*,t+n+2} - 3q_{*,t+n+1} +q_{*,t+n} + \frac1{2^n}q_{*,t+1} - \frac1{2^{n+1}}q_{*,t} - \frac1{2^{n+1}} = 0$$

This recurrence formula checks out for the cases $n=4$ and $n=6$. E.g. for $n=6$ a plot of this formula using t=1:994;v=2*q[t+8]-3*q[t+7]+q[t+6]+q[t+1]/2**6-q[t]/2**7-1/2**7 gives machine order accuracy.

enter image description here

Edit I can't see where to go to find a closed form from this recurrence relation. However, it is possible to get a closed form for the mean.

Starting from $(\dagger)$, and noting that $p_{*,t+1}=\frac12p_{n,t}$, \begin{align} p_{n,t+1} &= \frac12p_{n,t} + \frac1{2^{n+1}}\left( 1-p_{n,t-n}-q_{*,t-n} \right)\;\;\;(\dagger)\\ 2^{n+1}\left(2p_{*,t+n+2}-p_{*,t+n+1}\right)+2p_{*,t+1} &= 1-q_{*,t} \end{align} Taking sums from $t=0$ to $\infty$ and applying the formula for the mean $E[X] = \sum_{x=0}^\infty (1-F(x))$ and noting that $p_{*,t}$ is a probability distribution gives \begin{align} 2^{n+1}\sum_{t=0}^\infty \left(2p_{*,t+n+2}-p_{*,t+n+1}\right) + 2\sum_{t=0}^\infty p_{*,t+1} &= \sum_{t=0}^\infty(1-q_{*,t}) \\ 2^{n+1} \left(2\left(1-\frac1{2^{n+1}}\right)-\;1\;\right) + 2 &= \mu \\ 2^{n+1} &= \mu \end{align} This is the mean for reaching state $H_*$; the mean for the end of the run of heads is one less than this.

Edit A similar approach using the formula $E[X^2] = \sum_{x=0}^\infty (2x+1)(1-F(x))\;$ from this question yields the variance. \begin{align} \sum_{t=0}^\infty(2t+1)\left (2^{n+1}\left(2p_{*,t+n+2}-p_{*,t+n+1}\right) + 2 p_{*,t+1}\right) &= \sum_{t=0}^\infty(2t+1)(1-q_{*,t}) \\ 2\sum_{t=0}^\infty t\left (2^{n+1}\left(2p_{*,t+n+2}-p_{*,t+n+1}\right) + 2 p_{*,t+1}\right) + \mu &= \sigma^2 + \mu^2 \\ 2^{n+2}\left(2\left(\mu-(n+2)+\frac1{2^{n+1}}\right)-(\mu-(n+1))\right) + 4(\mu-1) &\\+ \mu &= \sigma^2 + \mu^2 \\ 2^{n+2}\left(2(\mu-(n+2))-(\mu-(n+1))\right) + 5\mu &= \sigma^2 + \mu^2 \\ 2^{n+2}\left(\mu-n-3\right) + 5\mu &= \sigma^2 + \mu^2 \\ 2^{n+2}\left(\mu-n-3\right) -\mu^2 + 5\mu &= \sigma^2 \end{align}

The means and variances can easily be generated programmatically. E.g. to check the means and variances from the table above use

v=2**(n+2)*(m[n]-n-3) + 5*m[n] - m[n]^2

Finally, I'm not sure what you wanted when you wrote

when a tails hits and breaks the streak of heads the count would start again from the next flip.

If you meant what is the probability distribution for the next time at which the first run of $n$ or more heads ends, then the crucial point is contained in this comment by @Glen_b, which is that the process begins again after one tail (c.f. the initial problem where you could get a run of $n$ or more heads immediately).

This means that, for example, the mean time to the first event is $\mu-1$, but the mean time between events is always $\mu+1$ (the variance is the same). It's also possible to use a transition matrix to investigate the long-term probabilities of being in a state after the system has "settled down". To get the appropriate transition matrix, set $X_{k,k,}=0$ and $X_{1,k}=1$ so that the system return immediately to state $H_0$ from state $H_*$. Then the scaled first eigenvector of this new matrix gives the stationary probabilities. With $n=4$ these stationary probabilities are

$$ \begin{array}{c|cccccc} & \text{probability} \\ \hline H_0 & 0.48484848 \\ H_1 & 0.24242424 \\ H_2 & 0.12121212 \\ H_3 & 0.06060606 \\ H_4 & 0.06060606 \\ H_* & 0.03030303 \end{array} $$ The expected time between states is given by the reciprocal of the probability. So the expected time between visits to $H_* = 1/0.03030303 = 33 = \mu + 1$.

Appendix: Python program used to generate exact probabilities for n = number of consecutive heads over N tosses.

import itertools, pylab

def countinlist(n, N):
    count = [0] * N
    sub = 'h'*n+'t'
    for string in itertools.imap(''.join, itertools.product('ht', repeat=N+1)):
        f = string.find(sub)
        if (f>=0):
            f = f + n -1 # don't count t, and index in count from zero 
            count[f] = count[f] +1
            # uncomment the following line to print all matches
            # print "found at", f+1, "in", string
    return count, 1/float((2**(N+1)))

n = 4
N = 24
counts, probperevent = countinlist(n,N)
probs = [count*probperevent for count in counts]

for i in range(N):
    print '{0:2d} {1:.10f}'.format(i+1,probs[i]) 
pylab.title('Probabilities of getting {0} consecutive heads in {1} tosses'.format(n, N))
pylab.plot(range(1,(N+1)), probs, 'o')