Solved – a good AUC for a precision-recall curve


Because I have a very imbalanced dataset (9% positive outcomes), I decided a precision-recall curve was more appropriate than an ROC curve. I obtained the analogous summary measure of area under the P-R curve (.49, if you're interested) but am unsure of how to interpret it. I've heard that .8 or above is what a good AUC for ROC is, but would the general cutoffs be the same for the AUC for a precision-recall curve?

Best Answer

There is no magic cut-off for either AUC-ROC or AUC-PR. Higher is obviously better, but it is entirely application dependent.

For example, if you could successfully identify profitable investments with an AUC of 0.8 or, for that matter anything distinguishable from chance, I would be very impressed and you would be very rich. On the other hand, classifying handwritten digits with an AUC of 0.95 is still substantially below the current state of the art.

Furthermore, while the best possible AUC-ROC is guaranteed to be in [0,1], this is not true for precision-recall curves because there can be "unreachable" areas of P-R space, depending on how skewed the class distributions are. (See this paper by Boyd et al (2012) for details).