Solved – a difference between a Low AIC and a Bigger AIC


I inputted my data sets on r and it spit 2 AIC, one with interactions and one without it.
Without Interactions I got 682.4, and with interactions I got an AIC of 684, the difference is minimal, but I do want to understand what does that mean.

Best Answer

I recommend Burnham & Anderson's book Model Selection and Multi-Model Inference: A Practical Information-Theoretic Approach. They explicitly discuss differences in AIC.

A difference of less than 2 is not a lot of evidence that the model with the lower AIC is truly a better description of the data. (Technically: that it has lower Kullback-Leibler difference from the true data-generating process.) In such a case, Burnham & Anderson recommend going with the simpler model.

In their parlance, AIC differences of 5-10 constitute certain evidence, and AIC differences larger than 10 strong evidence in favor of the model with the lower AIC.