Solved – A Book for Multiple Regression and Multivariate analysis

multiple regressionmultivariate analysisreferences

I have done a course in Simple Linear Regression and I am aware of linear statistical models (I follow the book by C.R. Rao). Keeping this background in mind, please suggest some good book(s) for multiple regression and multivariate analysis. The book(s) may contain only a well-written comprehensive chapter on this subject : I have no objection to that, though a book written on this only, is preferable. I have no idea about Multiple Regression and Multivariate Analysis, hence it will be great if the book(s) concerned DEVELOPS the subject from the basics and then delves deeper into the theory. A large number of exercises (good quality) is preferred, though not mandatory (if the theory itself is very good). Thanks!!

Best Answer

If you need to choose "only one" book I would go with Applied Linear Statistical Models by Neter, Kutner, Nachtsheim and Wasserman. I never owned it (always someone else in the office did) but it never failed to provide me with the some of the best reference material on the multiple regression.

It started from Simple Linear Regression proceeded to Multiple Linear Regression and Non-linear regression to move onto Single and then Multiple Factor Analysis Studies to finish off with Specialized Design Studies (eg. Latin Squares, Response Surface Methodology, etc.). Take notice this is not a small book; at ~1400 page is one of the largest Stats book I have seen.

(I have noticed the "Applied Linear Regression Models" suggested earlier. I have not seen that book I suspect the cover a lot of common ground so +1 to that!)

As a second choice a "golden oldie" that was (somewhat) recently rewritten is: Linear Regression Analysis by Seber and Lee. It is a bit theoretical and less applied than the Neter et al. book. If more of a theory is your thing it will worth your time. Do not worry it is not full of asymptotics; just it is less "practical" than the Neter et al. book. :)

I liked the book by Seber more because I found it more concise and easier to use if you already have some basis on linear regression. I accept that it might be less friendly to a newcomer though. Given you have already done a course on simple linear regression you will not have a problem I believe (your Linear Algebra is OK right?).