Solved – 85% Bonferroni family-wide (simultaneous) CI for lm in R

bonferroniconfidence intervallmr

The code

confint(model, level = 1 -0.15/length(coef(model)))

was recommended by

However, I have two questions:

  1. How do I avoid including the intercept? For example, here is my output:

    > confint(ACFL.m1, level = 1 -0.15/length(coef(ACFL.m1)))
                   1.87 %    98.12 %
    (Intercept)   1.5838374  3.2846837
    PDCD          8.6257799 12.3346769
    PMIX        -17.6815440  6.8408247
    RTCL          0.2888126  0.6987631

    I only want 85% CI for my predictors and not the intercept?

  2. In the above example, level = 1-0.15/4 = 0.9625. I know, to get 85% CI for each predictor, the individual CI has to be > 85%, but how do I understand 0.9625% for each summing to as an 85% simultaneous CI?

Best Answer

The answer to question 1:

I learned that the package multcomp allows calculation of simultaneous CIs without the intercept. Details about the package are in

Its' default is the single-step method and is considered to be more powerful than the Bonferroni method (Bretz et al. 2011). The results of the default method is shown below:

> K <- cbind(0, diag(length(coef(ACFL.m1))-1))
> rownames(K) <- names(coef(ACFL.m1)) [-1]
> <- glht(ACFL.m1, linfct = K)
> confint(, level = 0.85)

Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: lm(formula = PINDX ~ PDCD + PMIX + RTCL, data = ACFL)

Quantile = 1.9021
85% family-wise confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate   lwr      upr     
PDCD == 0  10.4802   8.7910  12.1695
PMIX == 0  -5.4204 -16.5895   5.7488
RTCL == 0   0.4938   0.3071   0.6805

To get the Bonferroni 85% CI, I had to first run the Bonferroni Test <- summary(, test= adjusted(type = "bonferroni")) 

Then calculate the confidence interval

confint(, level = 0.85)

I got the following output:

 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

Fit: lm(formula = PINDX ~ PDCD + PMIX + RTCL, data = ACFL)

Quantile = 1.9021
85% family-wise confidence level

Linear Hypotheses:
           Estimate   lwr      upr     
PDCD == 0  10.4802   8.7909  12.1696
PMIX == 0  -5.4204 -16.5898   5.7491
RTCL == 0   0.4938   0.3071   0.6805

Good reference for the multcomp package:

Bretz F, Hothorn T, Westfall PH (2011) Multiple comparisons using R. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL

Hothorn T (2017) Additional multcomp examples. Accessed online form the R project website

Hothorn T, Bretz F, Westfall P (2008) Simultaneous inference in general parametric models. Biom J 50:346–363

The answer to question 2:

Based on the formula above, my 85% family-wise CI = 1-0.15/4 = 0.9625% for each variable. I now understand how the lower (1.87 =(1-0.9625)/2) and upper bound values (98.12= ((1-0.9625)/2)+0.9625) came about. I had made a fundamental error in assuming that the 96.25% was a sum of CIs for each variable. I should not have been confused between the 'Bonferroni' and the 'sequential Bonferroni' (Holm, 1979). Now I understand that each variable is tested at 96.25% so that the family-wise error is 85%. I have left the question as it is so others with similar questions can benefit.