Solved – 3×3 contingency table: what to use instead of chi-squared test

chi-squared-testcontingency tables

I have questionnaire data from subjects divided into 3 groups, G1, G2 and G3. Subjects had to answer a question, and they had the options A1, A2 or A3 to choose from. The correct answer depended on the group a subject was in: for G1 and G2 the correct answer was A1, and for G3 it was A2. A3 was never the correct answer.

I would like to compute a statistic that would tell me whether this sample, as a whole, were giving correct answers or not.

Had this been a 2×2 contingency table instead of a 3×3, I know that a chi-squared test would have given me the answer. For instance, a non-significant Yates-corrected χ2 would have suggested that subjects are answering by chance. I'm not sure, however, what test I need to use for this 3×3 contingency table. Someone suggested to me that a log-linear analysis or a correspondence analysis might be appropriate, however none of these are included in my stats package (Statistica, by StatSoft/Dell).

Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

If all you want to know is whether the group as a whole is giving right answers, then create a new variable "Answer right" that is 1 if G = 1 or 2 and A = 1 or if G = 3 and A = 2. (And deal with missing data appropriately).

Then get the proportion of 1's to that variable.

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