Solved – 2x2x5 repeated measures ANOVA: significant 3-way interaction

anovapost-hocrrepeated measures

I have 3 within-subject factors, namely offset (1px, …, 5px), side (left, right) and color (red, green), which define the characteristics of the stimulus in a reaction time experiment. The DV is reaction time RT. The design is fully balanced.

I ran a repeated measures ANOVA in R, like this:

options(contrasts = c("contr.helmert", "contr.poly"))

simon.aov <- aov(median.RT ~ color*side*offset + Error(VP / (color*side*offset)), data=dfa)

The results revealed a significant main effect of the color, as well as a significant interaction color x side and a significant 3-way interaction color x side x offset.
My primary focus lies on the interactions. Specifically, I want to know on which of the 5 offsets (i.e. on which levels of the third factor) the 2-way interaction color x side reaches significance.

I am by no means familiar with post-hoc contrasts and multiple comparisons, but this question is the gist of the thesis that I'm working on. So my progress depends on an adequate test to examine this question.

I highly appreciate any help on which test to run, and how to do this most efficiently in R.


I'm sorry I didn't provide any plots earlier.

@John: Here is the plot you requested.

Plot 1 of 3-way anova results

However, I believe, that this following plot rather clarifies my question:

Plot 2 of 3-way anova results

It seems like there is no color x side interaction at the first 3 levels of offset, but this interaction emerges at offset 4 and 5. This is what the plot seems to imply, however I don't know how to prove it statistically.

Best Answer

I'm not sure what you plan to test but looking at your first graph it seems pretty clear. There's generally an effect of colour but on the left side and at larger offsets it disappears.

I'm guessing you wanted to test all of the effects of colour to see where they were significant and where they weren't. If you found they were all significant or all not it wouldn't give your more information than your interaction (and the interaction is independent of such findings). If you found some were and some weren't it doesn't test your interaction because the difference between significant and not significant is not itself significant.

I suppose you could try to explore something else about the difference in patterns but given that offset seems like a continuous variable that should have some clear function if it is doing anything I'm not sure establishing anything else different about the waviness of the lines on the two sides would be where you'd want to go.

UPDATE after viewing comments

The explanation for your interaction would be that the effect of colour and side are consistent until offsets 4 and 5 where the effect of colour only exists for one of the sides. That's just a recasting of what I said before in line with your hypotheses.

Keep in mind what you'd have to test post hoc or in planned contrasts to really demonstrate this. Finding an effect just at large offsets is useless because colour itself is interacting with side; therefore you have to show it interacts with offsets to show they're having an effect as well. That's what your ANOVA is telling you. It's already the planned contrast you want. Is there anything else there that could be making that interaction occur? Do you need to explain anything else?

If you do the ANOVA at 4 and 5 you likely won't get an interaction with offset, just one between colour and side, which will be substantially less evidence for what you want to say, not more.

Keep in mind, interactions mean something. Look at your data and figure out what they mean before considering further statistical tests. If they're relatively clear, as in this case, then you're done.