Mathematical Statistics – Proving Least Squares Prediction Equation Contains Mean Point

mathematical-statisticsmultiple regressionpredictive-modelsself-study


Problem Statement: Show that the least squares prediction equation
passes through the point $(\overline{x}_1,\overline{x}_2,\dots,\overline{x}_k,\overline{y}).$

Note: This is Exercise 11.81 in Mathematical Statistics with Applications, 5th Ed., by Wackerly, Mendenhall, and Scheaffer.

My Work So Far: What we need to do is show that

Now if we set up the matrices
\vdots &\vdots &\vdots &\ddots &\vdots\\
1\\ \overline{x}_1\\ \overline{x}_2\\ \vdots \\ \overline{x}_k
y_1\\y_2\\ \vdots \\ y_n

then we know
and we are asked to prove
$\overline{y}=\mathbf{a}^T\hat\beta.$ Here $n$ is the number of data points, and $k$ is the number of features.

My Questions: I have no idea where to go from here, or even whether this is the right approach to begin. What's a hint?

Best Answer

One place to start would be to replace your $a^T$ vector with $\frac1n$ times a row vector of $n$ 1's times $x$. This is just the matrix version of finding the means ($\bar{x}$) of the columns. When you substitute that (and $\hat{\beta}$) into your last equation you will have a piece that computes means times the hat matrix times the y vector. Look up the properties of the hat matrix and/or remember that $y_i = \hat{y_i} + \hat\epsilon_i$ and remember or look up what the mean of the observed residuals is to continue.