Order Statistics – Joint PMF of Two Order Statistics with Discrete Parent Distributions


Let $X_1, X_2$ be i.i.d from a discrete distribution with finite support with cumulative distribution $F(x)$ and probability mass function $f(x)$. Let $X_{1:2}$ and $X_{2:2}$ represent the order statistics. How can I derive the joint probability function for $x<y$,
of this two order statistics?

Note: I think it has to be the same as:

Best Answer

In the $x < y$ case you get $P[X_{1:2}=x,X_{2:2}=y]$ $= P[X_{1}=x,X_{2}=y]+P[X_{1}=y,X_{2}=x] $ $= 2 P[X_{i}=x]P[X_{j}=y]$

while in the $x = y$ case you get $P[X_{1:2}=x,X_{2:2}=x] $ $=P[X_{1}=x,X_{2}=x] $ $= P[X_{i}=x]^2$

and in the $x > y$ case you get $P[X_{1:2}=x,X_{2:2}=x] =0$

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