R – How to Find the Constant of a Continuous Joint Probability Distribution Function

continuous datadensity functionjoint distributionrself-study

I'm wondering how to set up the calculation for a double integral to solve for the value of c for the problem below.

Consider the joint probability density function $f_{XY} (x, y) = c(x+y)$ over the range $0 < x < 3$ and $x < y < x + 2$.

I know how to do this for a joint discrete distribution, e.g.

Consider the joint probability mass function $f_{XY} (x, y) = c(x + y)$ over the nine points with $x = 1, 2, 3$ and $y = 1, 2, 3$.

For this, I'd create two variables so that a function $f_{XY}$ would return all possible values of $x + y$:

x = c(rep(1,3), rep(2,3), rep(3,3))
y = rep(c(1:3),3) 
f_XY = x+y
c = 1/sum(f_XY)

I'm not sure how to create the variables for x and y when they're continuous, so I'd really appreciate any help!

Best Answer

The integral2 function of the pracma package is a possibility:


f <- function(x ,y) x + y

integral2(f, xmin = 0, xmax = 3, ymin = function(x) x, ymax = function(x) x+2)

If you are not allowed to use a package, you can nest the integrate function:

inner <- function(x) integrate(function(y) x+y, lower = x, upper = x + 2)$value
integrate(Vectorize(inner), lower = 0, upper = 3)

Both methods give 24, an approximate value of the double integral.

Finally, you can use the SimplicialCubature package after noticing that the region of integration can be split into two triangles (= simplicies). Moreover, the integrand is a polynomial function, and then SimplicialCubature offers the possibility to get the exact value of the integral.


S1 <- cbind(c(0,0), c(3,3), c(0,2)) # first triangle
S2 <- cbind(c(0,2), c(3,3), c(3,5)) # second triangle
S <- array(c(S1, S2), dim = c(2, 3, 2))

P <- definePoly(coef = c(1,1), k = cbind(c(1,0), c(0,1)))
printPoly(P) # x + y

integrateSimplexPolynomial(P, S)
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