How to find the acceptance probability for a joint Metropolis-Hastings proposal


Suppose that I want to generate a proposal $(x^*,y^*,z^*)$ with the following:

$$z^*\sim p(z|\alpha,\beta)$$
$$x^*\sim p(x|z^*,\boldsymbol{\gamma}_x)$$
$$y^*\sim p(y|z^*,\boldsymbol{\gamma}_y),$$
where $\alpha,\beta,\boldsymbol{\gamma}_x,\boldsymbol{\gamma}_y$ are known hyperparameters. Note the dependence of $x^*$ and $y^*$ on $z^*$. How can I appropriately write the acceptance probability for the proposed Metropolis-Hastings sampling scheme?

My attempt:

I know under the single-proposal case, we can write the acceptance probability $\alpha$ for a proposed $\theta$ as


where $p(\theta|\cdot)$ denotes the posterior for $\theta$ and $p(\theta|\theta^*)$ denotes the transition probability from $\theta^*$ to $\theta$. This leads me to believe that we can write the joint acceptance probability of the proposed scheme as


Is there a way to simplify the expression of this acceptance probability further? Thank you.

Best Answer

This is a single-step (independent) proposal, namely generating simultaneously $(X^\star,Y^\star,Z^\star)$ from the joint proposal with density $$p(x^\star,y^\star,z^\star)= p(z^\star|\alpha,\beta)p(x^\star|z^\star, \boldsymbol{\gamma}_x)p(y|z^\star,\boldsymbol{\gamma}_y)$$ Therefore the acceptance probability to move from $(x^-,y^-,z^-)$ to $(x^\star,y^\star,z^\star)$ in this independent Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is $$1 \wedge \dfrac{\pi(x^\star,y^\star,z^\star)}{\pi(x^-,y^-,z^-)}\times \dfrac{p(x^-,y^-,z^-)}{p(x^\star,y^\star,z^\star)}$$