Bayesian – How to Find Conditional Expectation of Conditional Distribution

bayesianconditional-expectationnormal distribution

Let $a \sim N(\mu_a,1/\tau)$, and $s = a + \epsilon$, where $\epsilon \sim N(0,1/\eta)$. I know that because both $a$ and $\epsilon$ is normal distribution, s must also be normally distributed with $s \sim N(\mu_a,\dfrac{\tau +\eta}{\tau\eta})$. $s$ is interpreted as a signal to $a$ that is not observed. Then the conditional expectation of $a$ given $s$ is given by:

\mathbb{E}[a \mid s] & = \mu_a + \dfrac{cov(a,s)}{var(s)}(s-\mu_a)\\
& = \mu_a + \dfrac{\dfrac{1}{\tau}}{\dfrac{\tau + \eta}{\tau \eta}}(s-\mu_a) \\
& = \dfrac{\tau \mu_a + \eta s}{\tau + \eta}

Consider another $\tilde{s} = a + \tilde{\epsilon}$, where $\tilde{\epsilon} \sim N(0,1/\tilde{\eta})$. This is another signal to $a$, and $\tilde{\epsilon}$ is independent from $\epsilon$. We observe $s$ first, and update the belief, and then observe $\tilde{s}$. I would like to compute the expected value of $a$ given $s$, conditional on $\tilde{s}$.

That is, let $z = a \mid s$ be a conditional distribution of $a$ given $s$. Then I would like to compute $\mathbb{E}[z \mid \tilde{s}]$. I want to use the same formula as above, but I am unsure what $cov(z,\tilde{s})$ is.

I know $cov(z,\tilde{s}) = cov(z,a + \tilde{\epsilon}) = cov(z,a)$. How can I move forward from here?

EDIT: I have learned that the order of the signal does not matter for Bayesian updating. Then what I am really finding is:

\mathbb{E}[z \mid \tilde{s}] = \mathbb{E}[a \mid s, \tilde{s}] & = \mu_a + \dfrac{cov(a,s)}{var(s)}(s-\mu_a) + \dfrac{cov(a,\tilde{s})}{var(\tilde{s})}(\tilde{s}-\mu_{a})\\

Is this the correct approach? I don't feel confident, because $s$ and $\tilde{s}$ is correlated and the term above does not include any information regarding that.

EDIT2: Based on the Chris Leite's solution, this is what I understand so far:

\mathbb{E}[z \mid \tilde{s}] & = \mathbb{E}[a \mid s, \tilde{s}] \\
& = \mathbb{E}[a \mid s'] \text{ where $s' = s + \tilde{s}$} \\
& = \mu_a + \dfrac{cov(a,s')}{var(s')}(s'-\mu_{s'}) \\
& = \mu_a + \dfrac{cov(a,s+\tilde{s})}{var(s+\tilde{s})}(s+\tilde{s}-2 \mu_{a}) \\
& = \mu_a + \dfrac{2var(a)}{var(s) + var(\tilde{s}) + 2cov(s,\tilde{s})}(s+\tilde{s}-2 \mu_{a}) \\
& = \mu_a + \dfrac{2\eta\tilde{\eta}}{\eta \tau + \tilde{\eta} \tau + 4 \eta \tilde{\eta}}(s+\tilde{s}-2 \mu_{a}) \\

Best Answer

Is this the correct approach? I don't feel confident, because $s$ and $\tilde{s}$ is correlated and the term above does not include any information regarding that.

The $s$ and $\tilde{s}$ are not correlated when you condition on $a$. They are independent distributed according to

$$s|a \sim N(a,1/\eta) \\ \tilde{s}|a \sim N(a,1/\tilde\eta)$$

or if you take both together with inverse variance weighting

$$\frac{\eta s+ \tilde{\eta}\tilde{s}}{\eta+\tilde{\eta}}|a \sim N\left(a,\frac{1}{\eta+\tilde{\eta}}\right)$$

In these three equations, you can regard the parameter $a$ as following a prior distribution

$$a \sim N(\mu_a,1/\tau)$$

and you are finding the posterior distribution after observing $\tilde{s}$ and/or $s$.

$$\begin{array}{lcrcl} a|s &\sim & N(\mu_{a|s},&\sigma_{a|s})\\ a|\tilde{s} &\sim & N(\mu_{a|\tilde{s}},&\sigma_{a|\tilde{s}})\\ a|s,\tilde{s} &\sim & N(\mu_{a|s,\tilde{s}},&\sigma_{a|s,\tilde{s}}) \end{array}$$

That posterior can be found with the updating rules that are derived here:

Bayesian updating with new data

Also very useful is this section about Bayesian inference on the Wikipedia page about the normal distribution.

It's a bit of work to write it down, but two update steps with the independent $s$ and $\tilde{s}$ should give the same result as one single update step with the weighted mean.

You don't need to worry here about correlations between $s$ and $\tilde{s}$. You just have the process of updating the distribution for $a$ based on the distributions in the first three equations. What changes with the sequential updating is that the posterior of the first step is the prior for the second step.

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