Quantiles – How to Estimate Quantiles Using Quantile Regression for Improved Accuracy

quantile regressionquantiles

I understand that quantile regression estimates the conditional quantile of some measured variable (call the variable $y$), but can you use quantile regression to estimate an unconditional quantile of a distribution? For example, if I had 100 data points

$$y_1,…,y_{100}\sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)$$

then I could use some method to try to estimate the true quantile of the distribution, i.e., $q = \mu + z_\alpha\sigma$. But if I don't have any covariate information, can I still use quantile regression to estimate some quantile of interest from my data $y$?

Best Answer


This is just a quantile regression on an intercept and nothing else. The theory is similar to how OLS linear regression on just an intercept gives the mean.

Minimizing the sum of squared deviations gives the mean, and minimizing the sum of quantile loss values gives the quantile.

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